July 19, 2022

5 Social Media Red Flags we should Never Ignore in our Relationships.

Social media red flags?

Yes, you heard that right. Red flags in relationships aren’t only limited to one’s physical actions. Some red flags—believe it or not—are on our devices.

Social media plays a huge role in our lives, and whether we admit it or not, we spend at least one hour every day scrolling on Facebook, posting on Instagram, tweeting, or following TikTok’s latest trends. Even if we don’t consider ourselves heavy users, we are using social media on a daily basis.

With that being said, the internet community has become a big part of our romantic relationships. And honestly, the way we use it or perceive it says a lot about us. From personal observation and experience, our behaviors that are related to social media might highly reflect our personal behaviors in real life.

Read on to find out more about the social media red flags we should never ignore in our relationships:

1. Your partner is stalking you. It’s cute, I know—to a certain level, though. When our partner knows how many likes our recent picture has, who likes it, and who’s commenting on it, it makes me think they might be stalking us…in a not-so-good way. If they also stalk the people who comment on and like our posts, it’s a huge red flag. Our partner might struggle with trust issues, low self-esteem, or might be a control freak.

2. Your partner monitors your friends list. Well, this definitely requires a whole lot of energy and time, but believe it or not, some people actually do it. Inquiring about new friends on Facebook or followers on Instagram can be detrimental to the relationship and might signal the presence of uncontrollable jealousy.

3. Your partner asks you who you’re texting or what you’re doing on your phone. This surely demonstrates a lack of trust, and we all know that without a good foundation of trust and respect for personal space, a relationship might not survive for long. Telling our partner what we’re doing on our phone or who we’re texting might make them feel validated or safe at the moment, but in the long-term, it might cause some serious problems for all parties involved.

4. Your partner snoops on your phone when you’re typing. If they do this, they might feel insecure about your relationship, and as discussed earlier, they might have a lack of trust or safety. Snooping might even be a sign of a bigger issue at play; this is why it’s important to quickly address it before it transforms into a sh*tstom.

5. Your partner indirectly controls your account. They might stop us from posting certain stories or certain types of pictures. They might even get angry at us or heavily criticize us. Maybe it’s due to fear of public humiliation, preservation, or protection, or it might simply be pure jealousy and control. Whatever the reason is, we should dig deeper into it because with time, we might become insecure, down, or simply aloof.



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author: Elyane Youssef

Image: Jc Siller/Pexels