July 17, 2022

9 Quotes from Rumi that Will Get us through Difficult Times.

Lately, I haven’t been feeling my best.

I’ve had better days. And by better, I mean secure, safe, guaranteed days. If only I knew where life was taking me, I wouldn’t experience such disappointment, fear, or worry. I would feel safer, happier, and most definitely more efficient.

But I don’t know where life is taking me. No one can, and I think this is why the future feels so distressing.

It’s scary. It’s unknown. It’s everything we don’t want to experience because we’re comfortable where we are now. We don’t want our now to change; we want it to last forever.

But our good moments can’t last forever. We can’t hide from what’s yet to come. Our present moment can—and will—change at any time, without our permission. And while all we need is time and patience to get through difficult times, it’s almost impossible to see the good in the difficulties we face.

The good news is we will get through any adversity in life. All we need is a little push—a little ray of hope—that will make us see the positive that might come out of traumatic experiences.

My ray of hope has always been Rumi. His words never fail to bring me comfort and security. They help me accept the difficult situations in my life and reassure me that there’s so much more to life than one bad day.

If you want to come to terms with the inevitable events that might be happening in your life, I invite you to read these nine verses from Rumi:

1. “Without the frown of clouds and lightning, the vines would be burned by the smiling sun.”

2. “Your legs will get heavy and tired. Then comes a moment of feeling the wings you’ve grown, lifting.”

3. “No mirror ever became iron again;
No bread ever became wheat;
No ripened grape ever became sour fruit.
Mature yourself and be secure from a change for the worse.
Become the light.”

4. “Be empty of worrying. Think of who created thought! Why do you stay in prison when the door is so wide open?”

5. “Every moment, the sunlight
is totally empty and totally full.”

6. “If you are wholly perplexed and in straits,
have patience, for patience is the key to joy.”

7. “Keep walking, though there’s no place to get to. Don’t try to see through the distances. That’s not for human beings. Move within, But don’t move the way fear makes you move.”

8. “Give up to grace. The ocean takes care of each wave ’til it gets to shore. You need more help than you know.”

9. “Do not grieve. Anything you lose comes round in another form.”



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author: Elyane Youssef

Image: Fayzel Camila/Pexels