July 7, 2022

I—no, we—have one overwhelming Priority over the next 4 months. ~ Waylon

8 or the last 9 articles I’ve written​ are on some form of politics. I hope you’ll read them, or peruse, and choose one to read from…

this menu here. And please give me a Follow, too, so you get word of my newest articles.


Elephant’s priority for the next few months, Editorially-Speaking.

I’m sick of politics! I’m avoiding the news! I quit Facebook!

I get it, and in the third case, I’m with you (or wish I was).

But we can’t avoid politics: politics affects our life—our food, our education (or lack thereof), our student loans, our food stamps, our job, our safety, war and peace. Everything from what we’re driving to the roads we’re driving on.

So Elephant doesn’t avoid politics. While we don’t want to be news you want to avoid—with the kind of endless hype and divisiveness we see on Fox or, often, CNN—we do aim to inform, inspire, awaken, and alert.

So what have I been writing about lately, for you? Here’s a few titles:

“How to reverse our exploitative momentum—and have fun doing so!” ⁠ “A Day in the Life of Sue, who voted for Trump.””We are all called to Step Up. Will we Answer?” “There’s no difference between the parties,” progressive hipsters like to say.””Advice from our Elders on how to deal with Crazy-Scary-Awful, No-Good, Very-Bad Times.” “The Boy who Cried ‘Politics.’””The abortion reversal? It’s even worse than we might imagine.””Wow. ‘Bengals QB Joe Burrow shared this post on IG about the Supreme Court’s…'” “There’s never been a better time to not eat Animals.””Here’s what we can do to strike back—& it’s likely our last chance…” “If we want to survive, to be safe, & to be happy—then give it away, now.” “Letting go is a moment.” “Q: Name one thing Bernie Sanders & Josh Hawley have in common?” “Tinderrr! 11 Red Flags you don’t want to Read in someone’s Online Dating …” “My second book, ‘It’s Never too Late to Fall in Love with your Life…'”

Read one, if so inspired, here​. And please give me a Follow, too, so you get word of my newest articles. ​

My main focus for the next months, other than on my new book and my dear fiancee, will be America’s upcoming Midterm election in November—they’ll determine if we become a partisan, hateful, lying, corrupt, domineering state…or push our roots down into voting rights, maintaining a strong democracy for all Americans into the next century. They’ll determine whether we address our climate crisis—you know, save our world, for our children, and their children.

Nothing partisan about that—we should, all of us, be all in on saving the world.

8 or the last 9 articles I’ve written​ are on some form of politics. I hope you’ll read them, or peruse, and choose one to read from…

this menu here. And please give me a Follow, too, so you get word of my newest articles.

PS: you can also DM me, or each other, on Elephant! Try it. I’ll reply..!

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