Meet Yoga Teacher Daya Devi-Doolin, 60 plus years of teaching and practicing Gentle Hatha Yoga, and author of nine inspirational/motivational award-winning books.
Section 1, Part 1 & 2
“The invisible forces are ever working for man who is always ‘pulling the strings’ himself, though he does not know it. Owning to the vibratory power of words, whatever man voices, he begins to attract.” –The Game of Life, Florence Scovel Shinn
Creative Mind- The Master of Your Success!
The power of thought is our inherited natural gift and our creative mind is always in Total Agreement with whatever thoughts we hold true and entertain as truth. If you decide to live in the NOW and experience everything around you to the fullest, living with love, you will see miracles becoming unhidden and visible to you. There are universal principles in the physical universe, such as the law of gravity, that are constant and unchanging. Likewise, there are universal principles in the unseen universe, such as Law of Mind and the Law of Cause and Effect that are always at work. You can learn to call upon them with awareness and thanksgiving.
We are given the power and knowledge to work with them and utilize them as we align ourselves with them. Consciousness is IT! It creates the world we see and we are the directors of this vast creation!
We can change the script at any time we are ready to move forward. As you move through your day, know that only you can change your thoughts and your intention. This is the part of you that is aligned with the creative power of the universe. You can tap into it.
You and I are going to celebrate every day with water, juice, sparkling apple cider, a glass of ginger water with real ginger in it or another healthy beverage such as turmeric tea. You will meditate as you drink the soothing beverage in commemoration of your survival. You will release the thought that you can’t stick with your goal, that you can’t reach your goal.
Celebrate with me another day in the absence of judging yourself, criticizing yourself, or being unhappy about your size, body or weight. Celebrate with me the absence of excess weight, the absence of excess body fat, and the absence of poor health. Celebrate the shift into a new paradigm for you and for ALL there is for you that is Good! Let go of all thoughts to the contrary and enjoy the ride as you discover the new, true Self that is lying in wait.
Resistance is futile, because whether you like it or not, whatever you focus on will become your reality. So let’s choose to focus on what is of good report and to focus on those things that you desire for your highest good. You have an ally on the journey and it’s your subconscious mind, another name for creative mind. This is your ally that is with you 24×7 and has been there since birth.
What Does Ego Do?
Ego lives in fear, acts out of fear and blossoms into fearful illusions glorified and manifests exactly what we fear the most. We block the channel of good from coming to us because of our doubt that it could happen. We would be able to see the miracle before our eyes if we were willing to change our perception about what we think we see. Changing our perception of what we see shows us the numerous miracles that are stacked up in front of us waiting for our eyes to open.
Ego’s view of ourselves is that we are lacking, unhealthy, getting old, weary, unloved or overweight but we could turn those thoughts around and begin to see ourselves as totally whole, safe, perfect and secure. The words of a song I recall resonates here, “I love myself just the way I am.”
The vibration of these words alone such as, I AM whole, safe and protected will make it so for you. I am my perfect weight will make it so too, for example. Saying, “I have more than enough money to have fun, travel and serve others”, will heal you immediately from lack consciousness. The Light from these words focuses energy into the dark cells of our being and irradiates love everywhere, within and without. It allows us to “walk on water” by mastering the emotional turmoil and anxieties in our lives.
When we put ego in its rightful place, which is that of a servant/teacher instead of our Higher Self, we will automatically get off the treadmill of “I hate myself, I hate my life, I hate the world, I hate my body” consciousness. We can begin to say, “Thank you, ego, for letting me know I do not want to be in this space of consciousness anymore. Thank you for showing me there must be something better for me than this mentally, emotionally, physically debilitating space that I have mis-created. I am grateful that I can change. I am grateful I am Master of my Life!”
There is power in knowing the strength that we have behind our intentions and the courageous thoughts to be the master of our lives. We have learned how thoughts are things and how to use them to our advantage. It is very important to change our perception about ourselves in order to see the miracles that are before us in a parallel reality – just a step over to the left a little bit or to the right a little bit.
You will be given examples on what you can do to manifest the new you to yourself and as you sleep, your subconscious mind will absolutely be working on supplying your desires for you. You can become empowered enough to know you can change your life, relationships, any illness or your weight simply by the positive way you FEEL about yourself. Believe that you can do so through your imagination working with creative mind.
You will be given assignments and affirmations of positive thoughts to embrace before falling to sleep and things to plan for on your journey of change. You won’t have to travel this road again once you do your part. You will get a lot of insight into yourself when you do this exercise now.
Spiritual Exercise:
Write it down now – What is it I want?
Write it down now- – Why do I want it?
Write it down now – Why can’t I have it?
Write it down now – Why do I think I can have it?
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