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July 16, 2022

Heady or Hearty?

Are you mostly heady or hearty?  Something I need to know to start this party right…
Do you dwell in your sapphire crown, analyzing, categorizing, factoring your insight?
To you, are we all feature-sets reduced to binary code…
Boolean logic, conditioned responses, confined to your mental abode?
Or… are you the hearty sort?
Do you live in your emotional fort?
Your emerald chamber of fantasy, where love is abundant… but not free?
Don’t think me low for putting it this way
As sure as day and night, there’s a bright side to each
Like both rows of teeth, opposing muscle groups…or, the push-pull of reason and intuition
The Bard says Love apprehends what cool reason cannot.  According to Milton, it’s our only shot, and, “… if love virtue feeble were, heaven itself would stoop to her.”
The intellect, at its best, transforms into the wisdom to understand
At its worst, the ego takes command,
Weak and wily, and only when adjoined to a humble heart,
Can knowledge allow us to expand
Our consciousness… into Truth
And, we all know the Truth sets us free…
And that, my friends, is what I’m after.  Freedom.. and what it pays
I’m not a jewel in your crown, or a prisoner in your beautiful cage… enclosed in your heart’s ways.
Not a particle or a wave…how I behave, my soul alone directs
Both matter and energy; electrons with split personality,
About this, science and the rishis agree
So, dear ones, let’s make a deal?
To take lightly our reason and what the senses think they feel…
Remembering that nothing is real
This shadow-world, a warped duality
When examined… unfurled
Let’s be the yardstick light, the only constant of a universe in flux
Not students probing her variety… who never get to the crux
Then we may travel freely through the vacuum of space,
Media unnecessary to maintain our pace
What do you say? Are you mostly heady or hearty?
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