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July 25, 2022

Helping Kids Study for Finals

Photo by Julia M Cameron on Pexels.

Are you a parent of a child who is about to take finals? If so, you may be looking for help and advice on best supporting your child. Finals can be very stressful for students, and they must get enough rest and have a study plan.

1. Establish a Study Routine and Stick to It

The key to helping kids study for finals is establishing a study routine and sticking to it. First, sit down with your child and help them create a study schedule. If possible, create a daily or weekly routine with dedicated time for each subject. Once the schedule is created, review it regularly and help your child stick to it.

2. Create a Designated Study Area in Your Home

Having a specific place to study will help kids stay focused and organized. The study area should be well-lit and free of distractions. This can be a quiet corner in the living room or a dedicated desk in the child’s bedroom.

3. Make Sure Your Child Has All the Supplies They Need

One way to help your child prepare for finals is to ensure they have all the necessary supplies. This includes items like notebooks, pens, highlighters, and index cards. A good study guide or review book can be an invaluable resource, and it’s important to ensure your child has access to whatever resources will be most helpful.

4. Encourage Your Child to Take Breaks and Get Some Exercise

Children often feel pressure to do well in their exams and may spend hours studying without a break. However, it is important to encourage your child to take breaks and get some exercise. A few minutes of physical activity can help to improve focus and concentration, and it also provides a needed break from the mental demands of studying.

5. Reward Them for Completing Tasks on Time or Ahead of Schedule

One way to help them stay on track is to reward them for completing tasks on time or ahead of schedule. This could be something as simple as letting them pick a fun activity for the family to do together or taking them out for ice cream. By clarifying that there is a reward for completing their work, you can help motivate them to stay on track and get their work done.


As any parent knows, helping kids study for finals can be a challenge. With so much material to cover and so little time, it’s easy for students to feel overwhelmed. But don’t worry, you can ace those exams with a bit of planning and effort. It’s essential to be there for your child when they need help and to allow them to take ownership of their learning process.

This article was originally published on Nick Roshdieh’s website.

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