July 18, 2022

“How to Survive the Global Heatwave”…with a few edits from me.

1. From your own bottle or drinking fountain. Every drinking fountain is said to cancel out 1,000 plastic water bottles a month. Let’s bring more back! There’s been many times lately in downtowns of various towns and cities where I can’t find a single drinking fountain—including near Farmers Market, in Boulder. ⁠

2. Vegan ice cream. Or, iced tea—I needed Red Berry at Trident after biking back from the lovely historic Yellow Barn where Hanuman Festival took place, this year. It was hot out there! And the heat island effect—heat radiating off of the pavement—made it worse. Life pro tip: when ordering an iced drink, get it without the ice. You’ll get much more of the drink, and it’ll still be cold, and ice takes lots of electricity which is often fossil fuels, like coal. ⁠

3. And vote. If we don’t vote for candidates who will support climate action, we’re missing much of our macro power. Also: micro: boycott plastic to the best of your ability. Guess what plastic’s made out of? Fossil fuels. ⁠

4. Yes. But keep it natural. See the graphics in my last post, about Lava towels vs. microfiber. If your clothing is made out of poly plastic, it’s part of the problem. ⁠

5. For a bit more on “How to reverse our exploitative momentum—and have fun doing so!,” by yours truly.⁠

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