July 19, 2022

I Am this Type of Girl.


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I am the type of girl who…

sees the body as a tool for life and as art, not porn.

looks at the hearts and souls and not at numbers or physicality to resonate with another person.

doesn’t have a type of person. If you asked her to describe her type, she would not be able to say anything because people don’t fill boxes and labels and whoever she resonates with doesn’t have a look; they have a feel of connection.

uses sensuality for healing and sees it as separate from sexuality.

people see naked online and say “that naked lady” and assume the worst, but when people get to know her, they realise she is not what they thought she was.

shares online in the purpose of helping others heal, and it is her diary.

is tired of being judged and shamed but knows it is part of life and hopes that one day she can let go in a better way.

has a number of followers on social media but makes no money from it, and she believes she is building a community of like-minded souls, a safe place to come to, not a platform about her.

believes that to be comfortable in your skin, you must be healthy in your mind.

shares herself often as looking brave to others because she goes against the norms. But she nearly died attempting on her life. So, she knows the only way to live is to be herself unapologetically.

feels everything and wishes she didn’t but knows that feelings are a gift and hopes that with a lifelong practice of meditation, mindfulness, and self-love, she can learn to value herself more and not let this world and others overwhelm her so much.

uses movement for medicine. Without movement she would not be here. It is her mental health tool that allows her to breathe in the good sh*t and let go of the sh*t that might break her.

is more than what you see and hopes that she will be seen.

is always trying to bring light to stigmas and untruths because she has a little girl and wants to change this world, so her little girl does not have to suffer the shaming and judgement she has suffered.

experienced trauma and hard knocks of life but smiles and keeps standing up because there is only one life. It is never easy, but she knows it is a gift.

does not understand why our differences make us fight, why we can’t just observe and respect that we are not the same in all our beliefs and the way we are, yet we are the same in that we all deserve kindness, love, and respect and dream of a world that teaches that and practices it.

finds it easy to create naked art, but in person, she is usually the last to get naked as she is mindful that the world and others do not share her perspective.

is sad that we, as humans, are always using busy as an excuse to disconnect and make us feel important and always misappropriating the free time of others to remind them that they aren’t doing enough.

cares more than many know, hurts more than most assume, has suffered more than a face can say, and wonders how a world can be so cruel, yet sees the beauty and keeps looking for things to be grateful for.

I am the type of girl…


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Rhyanna Watson  |  Contribution: 28,440

Image: Rhyanna Watson

Image: openheartscanunite/Instagram

Editor: Michelle Al Bitar