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July 7, 2022

The Modern Existentialists

Photo by Chris F on Pexels.

“What do you do for a living?”, that’s what they ask and we answer them about how we afford to live in this world. A world that gives so little and takes so much. A world that makes us work 8-10 hours only for us to be able to eat, wear and afford shelter.

We aren’t ever given a choice, are we? Was being born a choice? No, it wasn’t. And so living too isn’t a choice. What we do between being born till we die are all distractions. We need to learn at least one language to communicate, make one shelter to protect us, there’s a constant fight for feeding our stomachs and all this to do what? To live?

They say life is uncertain, is it really? The one thing that is not uncertain is life because the end result is always death. It’s a constant. The ‘living’ that we do is what is the variable and it’s all a distraction. We distract ourselves with money at times, the hunger for power, the illusion of love, the deception of fulfillment; we live until we die. And the illusion is that we are made to believe that whatever we do while we are living this life is all a choice.

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