July 28, 2022

The point of meditation.

When life is hard, we call it bad. When life is good, we cling to the goodness, and often lose it by doing so. When life is listless, we worry and fret and fill our time with entertainment, seeking that sugar/salt/grease level of satisfaction that runs only surface-deep.

Meditation helps me come back to right here, right now, whatever’s going on. And when I’m here, now, I can better deal with whatever’s going on, with a sense of strength, humor, vulnerability, honesty, and breath.

It’s hard being human, being wildly imperfect, trying, loving, learning, being hurt in 1,000 little ways.

As they say in Buddhism, why try to make life easy? We can not pave the entire world in soft leather, and hopefully we would not want to. Instead, we put shoes on our feet, and are better able to get through it all without that toxic Patriarchal urge we all share, sometimes, to fix “out there” instead of feeling in here.

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