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August 23, 2022

A Journey of Remembering

We have doubted our future, doubted our place within the line-up of stars across the heavens. We have questioned the divine role that we agreed to take on, believing ourselves to be of so little worth that we could never have such a place within the cosmos.

How wrong you are my child. Every soul, born within this cosmic family, has a place deemed as special. You may not see it, nor recognise the path that you have chosen, but never think that you hold this place by chance.

The seat you have selected matches the nature of your vibration of who you are, of your divine matrix. And your place in the great cosmic matrix is confirmed.

The cloak you have worn for so long has mired your clarity, yet your soul knows at the deepest level of its being. Your soul remembers your creation, your birth, it recognises its own energy signature. All its life it has attempted to call to it all that vibrates with it, all that is in synchronous harmony with its energy.

But over time the unique signature of your soul was tainted shrouded by those who feared your power, your love, your truth. They did their best, tried their hardest, to deny you the vision of your truth and to disrupt the unique patterning of your energy, that makes you YOU.

Cloaked you could no longer see all that was once yours, and you began to fear the outside world, for it represented only that which did not match you. And so hiding became the norm. Denial of self became the default. And the result was suffering as no longer could you simply create as you wished, but you struggled and starved and stole. Life became misery. No longer the sweetness that once you had known, now pain was resident in the fabric of your nature.

But no-one sleeps forever. The stirrings of divine energy reached through the slumber, the pain and the tears, and, as foretold, you began to question the nature of the reality in which you had been playing an unsatisfactory role. Not liking your role, you sought answers to your pain, sought solace from the cruelty you had witnessed, experienced and perpetrated.

Like a small candle you tried to shine brightly and create your life once more, but the flame was too small. A journey of remembering was necessary. A process of recalling the divine truth of your life. Your energy began to rise, memories long held in the cells began to talk and you began to no longer hate the reflection in the mirror.

Self-love was still a distant memory, but inklings of it started to emerge. Shamed, shocked by some of the painful adventures of the past, you tried to hide from them, but only by loving and accepting all, can real love rise.

And now you stand more complete than you have ever been since first creation. Resplendent in your light, shining as a light across this world, a beacon of hope for the other lost souls desperate to find their way home, back to themselves.

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