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August 11, 2022

Full Moon in Aquarius: Aligning with our Authentic Selves. {August 11/12}

Photo by David Besh on Pexels.

Near the end of the week, we are invited to break the chains that hold us back under the full moon in Aquarius.

Full moons are a time of release and celebration. The moon sits bright in the sky, illuminating all we are ready to become aware of.

What are you ready to let go of?

Aquarius is fixed air—represented by the water bearer. Aquarius holds space for exploration of our big ideas. It’s the innovator, the rebel, the one who can see far into the future while the rest of us are still moving in our day-to-day lives.

This full moon will illuminate the areas in which we are being inauthentic. Aquarius needs authenticity. Oftentimes Aquarians feel as though they are from another planet, not knowing where they fit in society. It’s when we fully embody our true selves that we find our place in the world.

There is no fitting into a box under this full moon in Aquarius.

The moon is sitting next to Saturn, offering us the discipline needed to reach our big dreams. We have the opportunity to get clear on what steps are needed to be more of who we are. Be careful not to disconnect from the self during this time. The invitation is to lean into our hearts, as the sun lights up the sky in the sign of Leo.

The sun and moon are in tension with Uranus, which may have us feeling like something is ready to break. What’s no longer working will fall away. It can feel unsettling, but it’s important to remember these structures are falling away to make room for what we’ve been calling in; all that we’ve been working hard to bring into our reality.

There is also tension with Mars, which could have us feeling impatient; as if we want it now, no matter what. This can allow us the energy to make changes if we channel it into our passions rather than letting it control us. If we are out of alignment it could have us feeling restless and resentful, so it’s important to connect to our inner world for clarity on where to put the energy.

Where am I out of alignment in my authenticity? Am I embodying my future self in the present moment? How can I be more of my future self today?

If we are saying yes to something, it means we are saying no to something else. Now is the time to say yes from the heart instead of saying yes because we should. Boundaries are increasingly important as we begin to build the new structures of our future.

Now we begin to live as our future selves, knowing that our thoughts and actions create our reality.

What’s stopping you from being that person today?

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