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August 3, 2022

Low-Key Toxic is Harder to Spot

Photo by Yan Krukov on Pexels.

In this age of self-growth, there is often conversation about toxicity and boundaries and red flags. We are more open to seeing them, talking about them, and calling them out for what they are.

However, there are times when the toxicity isn’t as blatant. There are times when it lies just under the surface, disguised as nobility. Yet there it is, slowly poisoning the air. It changes forms in order to deceive, and this makes it very hard to call out. When you begin to question it, it has a way of making you feel like you are the deluded one.

This can be seen in the way you are on edge. The way you watch your back and can never fully trust.

This can be seen in the ways of constant comparison. “This person achieved X—so I must achieve Z.”

This can be seen in the way you feel fearful and resentful when you have to immerse yourself in this environment.

This can be seen in the way you disassociate in order to protect yourself.

This can be seen in the lack of vulnerability and smiles.

This can be seen in much of the corporate world today.

We take for granted that we have the power to choose. Change is a risk often involving jumping into the unknown. Yet the most beautiful thing you can offer this world is your vulnerability and your smile.

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