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August 10, 2022

Waiting on God

I am still waiting on God?. How long is waiting time before God?. Do you just wait with no intention of hearing the next move?. Do we use this phrase as an excuse to not do anything or simply too lazy to pursue our ambitious. I was having this conversation with my husband after God reveal to me how l am wasting some gift l have and coincidently my husband received the same revelation about himself too, you see l have been praying and waiting on God and He spoke. So there is a waiting period and the time to move. If anyone tells you ‘l am waiting on God’, you have nothing more to say to them. Please do not get me wrong, the bible say in the book of Isaiah 40 vs 31. “Those who wait on the lord will renew their strength, they will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary and they will walk and not be faint. I want you to read each sentence of this word of God properly. I don’t see where you do nothing. During this process you renew your strength, you run, you walk. But most time we have so many Christians that are so lazy and they hide behind this scripture without fully understand it and they use what suit them more. God did not condone our laziness. There is a time and season for everything under the sun (Ecclesiastes 3). l do agree there are times we have to just stand but not before you have done everything He ask you to do.

When God gave me the vision for Time2shine Gospel talent show. It was mind blowing and spectacular. l struggle but l eventually step out in faith, after four season of the show God told me to pause and wait. It was difficult because of the pressure of people asking you questions of when is the next episode?. My answer is always “l am waiting on God for the next move. He gave me the vision and if He said l should wait. That’s what l will do regardless of what people say. But my point is this, during my waiting period, God was doing a lot in me. I discover so many things about myself that l did not know before, l did not know l can do what l am doing now, during my waiting period, l wrote a book and many blogs that is blessing many people around the world. I am more matured and bold. I discover l can preach without being intimidated of speaking with my accent. I am free to be me and l have time to mentor many people. I have a closer relationship with God and God reveal so many things to me and l see people heart that l never see before. I have time to see many things l miss and why l need to take time out to be more wiser. So you see, l am not just waiting. God is often working on us. You need to be sensitive to Holy Spirit to know the reason for your waiting and the time to move to the next assignment. The book of Ephesians 6 vs 10-14 clearly show all that you need to do before you just stand, but somehow most Christians skip all this stages and they just stand. The question is “what are you standing on?. I have heard so many preaching about God will do it for you and this kind of teaching had render many people useless and many gift and talent are wasted in the kingdom, and we are raising lazy and frustrated Christians.

No wonder the bible says ”study to show yourself approved”. l know l am stepping on many toes right now, but the bible says the truth you know will set you free. I am really tired of seeing Christians praying for years and nothing happen all because you are missing out on a very important principle in the bible. Many people are leaving Christianity because they thought God does not answer prayers and that is so wrong at every level. You can not take what pleases you in the bible and stand on it and you expect God to just follow you. The word of God is a two edged sword. For example ‘give and it will come back to you’, so if you don’t give, what is it that is coming to you?. If you sow you will reap abundant harvest. How can you reap abundantly if you don’t sow. Have you seen a farmer saying l am waiting for an harvest without planting any seed. A seed is a seed until it is planted and it becomes a fruit. You will reap what you have sow. If you pray for some people that God will reward them for all the good they have done for you, they are reluctant to say ‘Amen’ because they know the principle of sowing and reaping. Rain is a nuisance if you don’t have seed in the ground, but for a farmer it’s a Blessing. You can not plant onions and expect to reap tomatoes. Let me now blow your bubbles, God will not just give you money, but He will give you ability to make money. Deuteronomy 8 says “Remember your God for it is He who gives you the ability to produce wealth”. This verse did not say “He gives you money without using the gift that he has given you to make wealth. I know l am upsetting some religious mind right now.

Have you ever read the parable of the talent in Matthew 25 vs 14-30?. Why did the master took the talent from the servant who refuses to use his talent?. He was thrown into the everlasting fire because he was holding on to the gift the master gave to him. In verse 14, the word ‘ability’ was mentioned again. The master did not just give them money. The bible says To one he had five talents of money, to another two talents and to another one talent, each according to his ability. You are to turn the ability to make wealth God has given you to money. You have gift and talent in you and you are suppose to used that talent to glorify the name of your father and that gift will take you before great men and you too shall eat of it. Don’t just sit and waste your gift like this wicked servant in this passage. Lot of lives are attached to your life. The master was so angry with the servant that he took the one talent and give it to the one who has the ten talent and he called him lazy and wicked servant. Do not despise the day of small beginning. The same passage in verse 28 says “Take the talent from from him and give it to the one who has the ten talents”. For everyone who has will be given more and he will have abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him “so you have to use what you have and God will increase it. I remember years ago we are selling shoes in a shop, but we are sharing the shop with other people and the place was so small and l saw someone that l know, l was so ashamed because of how small the place was and on my way home, l heard God say to me ‘do not despise the day of small beginning’. I repented and later on God gave us the whole shop and more. You need to step out from where you are. Whatever your gift is, don’t despise it!. God gave it to you to bless you and be a blessing to others. One of the excuses the lazy servant gave again is because he was afraid. Are you afraid? Is that why you are hiding behind “l am waiting on God, when God is waiting on you”.

I hate to say this, but many prayerful Christians will died poor because of lack of understanding. It has nothing to do with God. The grave yard is full of unused gifts and talents. I pray to God to died empty. What is the point of your gift in the grave?. Do you ever wonder why did the bible says there will be a lot crying in heaven? Of course there will be tears of joy and also for some when you realize how you wasted so many gifts and you suffer for nothing and regret at lost of opportunities and that is if you make heaven, because remember the lazy tenant was thrown into the hell fire. I want you to imagine holding a A4paper, that is how much you are meant to accomplish with the ability God has given you, but you only manage to do just a bit at the edge of the paper. What is in your hand?. God asked Moses about the rod in his hand. God is asking you the same question today ”what do you have in your hand?”. What ability has He given to you, and what are you doing about it?. Jesus died so that we can have life in abundance. He is not going back to the cross. The work of salvation is finished. The way some of us Christians carry on is like we want Jesus to go back on the cross. No!, you need to seek God for the reason why you are created and follow your dream. Stop listening to wrong doctrine about how God will do it.

The full blog on waiting on God is available on the website,

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