September 13, 2022

10 Harsh Truths about Love: #3 You’ll Never “Get” what you Want.

*Editor’s Note: This piece is part of a series—lucky you! Follow Galina to get notified when the next article is available to read. And read Harsh Truth #2 here.

Love is not something we can “get” from another person.

The misconception that love is delivered to us by others is at the root of much of our suffering.

As a wife in a decades-long marriage and a mother of three children, I was expected to thrive in the stable supply of love that such an arrangement was supposed to provide.

Except, I was not thriving at all.

I was depressed, apathetic, and at the point of complete and utter exhaustion.

The love that I had worked so hard on “getting”—mostly through self-sacrifice and extinguishing my own desires and needs for the benefit of others—was not forthcoming in any lasting or sustainable way.

Here’s what our codependent parents and Disney movies never taught us:

Love is an internal process. It does not come from the outside. 

We do not have to sacrifice ourselves to get it, because no one can give it or take it away.

What I have discovered on my journey is that our love dwells within us. It gets activated in moments of vulnerable sharing of ourselves with others. It is not something we get from anyone.

Love is fully self-sourced. And it is our responsibility to cultivate it from within.

This precious nugget of truth has empowered me to live a life of passion, vibrancy, and meaning.

The realization that love is tapped from within rocked my world and gave me purpose.

I have become a better mother, a better partner, and now have the privilege of guiding others to reconnect to their own love supply and be fully self-sourced in love and in life.

The work I facilitate (in my upcoming six-month program, Safe to Be Me) is really a process of liberation.

We liberate ourselves by identifying and removing our inner barriers to love.

We identify and remove our inner barriers by reconnecting with our true self.

We reconnect with our true self through holistic practices to reintegrate body, mind, and soul.

I have devoted my life to sharing the gift of embodiment with others, so that anyone can learn to remove all inner obstacles to their own limitless supply of love from within.

Chasing love outside of myself, as I did for most of my life, left me diminished, depleted, resentful, and angry.

What finally brought me the sense of satiety and abundance we all seek was daring to be vulnerable. To step out from behind protective masks and layers of conditioning and share my true self with others.

It is only through sharing ourselves authentically that we actually receive love—our own.

The future of our relationships, and indeed the future of humanity, hinges on our ability to tap into our own love supply.

The elusive love that we spend our life seeking will not be delivered by anyone on the outside.

When we understand this, we free others from the pressure of that responsibility and whatever comes from others is now an unexpected and welcome gift.

Our love—our life force—is ours, resides within us, and access to it is in our own control.

When we tap into it and let it flow through us, unhindered, it spills out on everyone and everything in our lives through uncensored creative self-expression, for the benefit of all.

Our happiness is a product of our own physical, psychological, and emotional well-being.

Even the right partner won’t make you feel loved.

Even the right partner won’t spare you from feeling pain.

They are just a screen on which you project your own story…

The relationship we all need to master?

Our relationship with ourselves.

I can teach you how to feel safe, powerful, and free…within and without relationships. You’re invited to join me on the journey. Book your free, no obligation 30 minute clarity call here

More tomorrow!


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Galina Singer  |  Contribution: 432,705

author: Galina Singer

Image: Author's own

Editor: Nicole Cameron