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September 29, 2022

4 Best Tips to Discover Your True Self

Photo by Andre Furtado on Pexels.

When I was a kid, I was disillusioned with the working world. I realized most of what I was taught to be successful was bad advice.

I was told, “Just work hard and everything will be fine in the end.” Turns out, that’s wrong.

I did work hard, grinding away at my government job for nearly two years. I came to work on time and did everything I was told.

I woke up in the early morning at 6 AM and gave up my personal time to get work done. I was in a hurry, which certainly wasn’t healthy.

I reached out to my mentor about my troubles, and she simply responded, “Take it easy. Just relax once in a while.”

An indescribable feeling swelled within me. I’m not exaggerating when I say this was a eureka moment.

Her words were not exactly profound; it just never occurred to me to take it easy. Perhaps in our work culture that glorifies busyness, “easy” wasn’t in my dictionary.

I took this moment as a sign to stop pushing myself too hard. I quit treating this as a race and thought of it as a pleasant journey.

I went on hiking trails, appreciating the scenery and being grateful for every second of it. I gave myself a personal day, where I sat out on a sunny day, moving at a slow pace.

I could work every hour of the day, but that wouldn’t translate to a happier life. After all, there is more to life than work.

I see my past experiences in a different light now that I’m older.

It was a good thing that I worked less hard. It was good that I escaped from the work hustle mentality because I wouldn’t have figured out my values and thirst for lasting freedom.

Sometimes you need to have your shoes tied before setting out for your life goals.

When we are constantly obsessed with the horizon ahead, we forget what we’re living for in the first place. To discover your true self, here are a few things to try.

1. Make time for yourself

We spend much time jumping from one job to another, giving little time to ask ourselves what we want. Make the conscious decision to carve out time to relax and unwind. Put away your phone or anything with a digital screen.

Start by living in the moment and doing things you enjoy. It can be meditation, midnight walks, or just sitting out on your backyard porch.

The key is to provide the ideal setting for your true self to come out when you feel most connected to yourself.

2. Acknowledge your emotions

Your emotions are a part of you, so embrace them as if they’re your best friend. Know that ignoring your emotions is the worst thing you can do.

Sometimes it is painful to think about these thoughts and feelings, but you need to accept these emotions. When you develop acceptance, you take power over your life. You make the effort to stop engaging in a spiral of negative thinking.

You do not let them consume you and are confident you can create a better world for yourself.

If you find it overwhelming to confront your emotions, imagine taking your emotions in sips. Slowly ease into it. Lean on your support system if you have to, and be sure to get any sort of help you need.

3. Silence your inner critic

It’s important to take a stance against your internal enemy. Do not listen to the inner thoughts that tell you that you aren’t good enough to succeed. Subdue the doubting mind and strengthen the spirit that makes everything possible.

Think of those fleeting minutes of negativity as an opportunity to cut down the baggage stopping you from awakening yourself. When your heart is broken, it’s time to be born anew and experience a transformation.

Many avoid facing their problems face-on. But if you don’t experience such confusion in your life, it might be a shortcoming instead.

So be deliberate about kicking away your self-doubt. No matter what, you won’t lose out.

4. Think about your passion

We spend tons of time searching for our passion but easily forget it stems from our interests.

I was always eager about business and self-improvement for as long as I can recall. As I wasn’t born into a well-off family and knew the difficulties my parents faced, I was adamant about starting a business to secure my freedom.

My childhood was filled with lessons that pushed my interest in business, which I only realized later in my life.

Skim through your life like a rolling film, from beginning to end, and find the things you were happy about. The clubs you joined and the relationships you formed.

More likely than not, they will apply to your career and personal life. You will make connections that have been inside you this whole time.

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