September 9, 2022

A Villanelle for the Man I Knew Well.

Your eyes, so blue, in the light of the room,

On that first night, as we shared a nice meal.

Shy, so shy, did you feel a sense of doom?


Your words, your glances, were warm like the womb.

What were these stirrings I began to feel?

Your eyes, so blue, in the light of the room.


The next time we met, you smelled my perfume.

Should I offer you my scared heart to steal?

Shy, so shy, did you feel a sense of doom?


As the weeks passed, I began to assume

That our connection was so very real.

Your eyes, so blue, in the light of the room.


Like a bright flower, we began to bloom

With feelings that were too ardent to feel.

Shy, so shy, did you feel a sense of doom?


Miscommunication brought with it, gloom.

Did it stop our hearts before they were healed?

Your eyes, so blue, in the light of the room.

Shy, so shy, did you feel a sense of doom?


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Debra Kirouac  |  Contribution: 36,075

author: Debra Kirouac

Image: Nikita Soloviov/Pexels

Editor: Juliana Otis