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September 29, 2022

internal enoughness.

Hearted by

Divine One, what if I told you that you were enough all by yourself. That you did not require the energy of another to fulfill or sustain you. That you do not require the wisdom, praise, or validation from the outside world to feel worthy. What if that could all come from within?

I promise you it can. It’s just that most of the time we won’t give ourselves the time and space required to reprogram our nervous system and energy bodies enough to be able to sit with the fullness of ourselves.

We have been taught for so long to bring the external into ourselves and project ourselves onto it. When we take away that structure, all that stuffing and those energy fillers it can feel a bit scary, the hollowness and spaciousness, the depths, and limitless within.

We can panic at the thought of managing that much energy and power and so

we give ourselves away, we avoid and distract and fill back up all the spaces with all the parts of the world that simply are not ours. And we get lost in the sea of otherness. Thinking we require the outer to fulfill the inner.

And powerful one, it’s a lie.

You are capable of managing all that powerful energy. You are deserving of pouring that limitless potential and passion into yourself. You are an infinite vessel and enough in all ways in. No matter what.

You are enough.Now. Always. Forever.

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