Being raised as a boy by a society that tells us “men don’t cry” is a bunch of bull jive. We are shamed for feeling vulnerable. Judged for not knowing how to react when emotions arise and claimed to be acting irrationally when we feel hurt. An unforsaken standard for men compels us to be robots on the inside.
Men are humans with emotions that need to be felt. A man suffers from the lack of being allowed to feel what is bothering us — being told to carry a burden for the betterment of his family because a strong man doesn’t show vulnerability. This stigma needs to be put end to it. An end to the men out there afraid to feel vulnerable emotions, especially around those who care and love us.
Fear is a natural emotion. Sadness is a genuine emotion. Anger. Joy. Sorrow. Only one is deemed to be okay. With the growing rate of mental health, it is time to start showing compassion to the men battling mental health who do not feel they have a voice.
My name is Dimitri, and I battle with mental health. My mental health isn’t at its prime at the moment of writing this article. As a writer, I want to help raise awareness for men battling mental health. Mental health isn’t something that can be won overnight. It takes work, trust, and honesty; to be honest with what is happening within you. Opening up about your feelings will make life easier and easier to live each day. Feelings are natural and can only act naturally if you trust yourself to express them, and the person listening is there to help. The weight and burden of withholding emotions from doing what they are supposed to do, to be felt, is equivalent to withholding your lungs from being able to breathe. Those close to you, such as a family member, friend, and significant other, will most likely be able to hold space for you if you ask.
The legendary Bob Marley once said, “the greatness of a man is not how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.” The freedom to express is pure.
The rise in mental health due to the pandemic needs to be tackled. It needs more awareness, especially among men afraid to talk about their feelings. But men, the stigma cannot be put to rest without you being the one to make the change. Express yourself freely. Let your emotions out with ease, and remember, you’re not alone.
If you or anyone you know is battling mental health, reach out to THRIVE: text message line at 313–662–8209 — it is a 24/7 hotline.
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