September 17, 2022

Pussy Love: Unleashing a Longing for the Taste of Feminine Essence.


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Pussy love is good love, it’s “allow yourself to be vulnerable love,” it’s “I have one and would like to taste one” love.

Woman love is inspiring, delicious, and intimately sacred. More than ever, women have been able to express their curiosity and desire for pussy openly—unleashing a longing for the tenderness available in another woman’s arms, and the taste of feminine essence.

Pussy love is diving into heady waters, where lips meet lips, hearts meet their match, tongues meet silky sensuality and breath finds erotic expression.

A woman’s mouth is a perfect fit for exploring Venus—tenderness meeting tenderness. Decadent, sinful, forbidden—or not—pussy is like sipping peach iced tea on a sultry summer afternoon. So why shouldn’t we crave it, and dream of its labyrinth of secrets and surprises?

To worship at the font of Femininity can be an unexpressed longing for so many women. As we realize our awakening into the fullness of Shakti, we may find ourselves craving pussy for no other reason than that we are drawn to experiencing Her emotionally and physically. You can label it, or not, as it pleases you. In the sweet, warm poem of a woman’s sex, there is respite and love, satisfaction, and Lilith’s kiss.

This is for all the women who are sure in their sexuality, are exploring it, are meeting a change in their desire after years of heterosexuality, or any woman who has been hiding her true self in fear of being shamed.

It’s for the women who may never be able to live their desire but who dream of the feminine.

For many years I barely understood that sexual desire was fluid and that from year to year, month to month, day to day, we may fluctuate in that desire. As fluid as our gender identity can be, so is our sexuality. Some of us live in a society where we are free to express ourselves, while for many it is dangerously impossible. For those of us who can live authentically, we do so in solidarity with those who can only dream of it.

At a very early age, I understood myself as bisexual. As a young woman, I intuitively found lovers who helped me understand myself more. But I kept it all close, there weren’t many folks I could share my true self with. In middle age, I had less trepidation about who knew what. Now, in my older years, as an erotica writer and advocate of sovereignty, I am fully embodied in my desire.

Although I have been in loving partnership with a man for almost 30 years, I’ve had the freedom to be myself. That very selfless gift my partner has been able to share with me has been the foundation of true integrity with myself.

Even if we are not able to tell anyone…at this moment perhaps, we can always strive to be honest with ourselves about who we are as sexual beings.

That honesty will ground and evolve our identity; for some, it will be a surge of creative energy that will spill over into other areas of life—the magnetic cradle of manifestation.

Pussy love is a deliverance of exquisite intimacy with one’s heart. At least I have found it to be so, sometimes heart-wrenching but always welcome in that I was truly alive through it.

How about you? What’s been your experience?


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Monika Carless  |  Contribution: 125,490

author: Monika Carless

Image: giuliajrosa/Instagram

Editor: Sukriti Chhopra