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October 9, 2022

7 Habits for a Long, Full Life

Photo by Josh Willink on Pexels.

I belong to the school of thought that longevity of life does not lie in how many years are lived, but in how much is lived in each second.

For most of us, our earliest years are spent paying way too much attention to what other people say, want, and think. But at some point, we’ll start learning that living our authentic lives should be non-negotiable. We’ll start realizing that pleasing everyone but ourselves only produces a very joyless life.

If you’re not at this point yet, fine. Even though I hope you get there soon, I think everyone’s journey is different. But if you’ve come to this realization already, the following would probably make more sense and be more useful to you.

Pursue Your Passions

You’ve probably been holding back a lot up to this point. You worked two jobs to help pay for your student debts and sacrificed family vacations to help send your kid to college.
You’ve reached that point in life when you can finally focus on YOU. Get out there and live your wildest dreams. Create a list of things you want to do and check them off as you do them. Doing so will make you feel whole and proud of yourself.

Once males attain certain financial stability, it’s no surprise that they start purchasing sports automobiles. They’ve reached a point in their life when they can accomplish something they’ve always wanted to do, and they can afford to do it. Even while I’m not suggesting you run out and purchase a vehicle, I am suggesting that you pursue your passions.

Alter Your Diet

All of us are aware of the significance of proper nutrition to our physical and mental well-being. Most individuals still don’t put in the effort to manage their diet, instead stuffing their bodies with junk food, eating at odd hours, and failing to get the vitamins, minerals, etc. they need to thrive.

Now is the moment to finally make that change you’ve been putting off. Altering your diet to one that is healthier may have a dramatic effect on how you feel on a daily basis, helping you to feel better, younger, and happier.


Each of us has a load that has been with us for years, if not decades. Have you been holding a grudge against anybody for too long? It’s very common for people to forget the events that led to the end of a friendship, the loss of a great relationship, or even an angry outburst.
You may free yourself from the weight of that grudge and the tension it causes by practicing forgiveness and forgetting. Write down all of the individuals you have reason to forgive and do it. Give them mental forgiveness even if you don’t want to see them again.

“Longevity of life does not lie in how many years are lived, but in how much is lived in each second.”

Practice Gratitude

Even if anything didn’t go exactly as you had hoped, most things ended up working out well for you. You should put your health first. You should be grateful for your health if you’ve gotten this far. Another thing to be thankful for is if you have family that supports you.

Your outlook on life determines how happy you will be. You’re setting yourself up for disappointment if you try to achieve something that doesn’t work with the way your life is right now. Your level of contentment will increase if you practice gratitude for the things in your life. Since you’ll end up with the same things in either scenario, your level of contentment is entirely in your own hands.

Exercise Often

Well done if you’ve managed to fit some exercise into your schedule. It’s not too late to start if you haven’t. One of the most important things you must do to maintain your health is exercise. In addition, it is believed to increase endorphin production and lower stress, both of which will enable you to have a fuller life.

Figure Out How to Manage Stress

Everyone experiences stress at some point. It’s a more common problem for some people, but a significant one for others. However, you need to figure out how to deal with all this pressure. Eliminating stress is essential for everyone seeking happiness. No one can tell you that you must exercise, do yoga, read, or listen to music first thing in the morning- it is up to you.

Learn Something New

It is never too late to learn something new. If there is a talent you’ve always wanted to perfect, go for it. By learning new things, you are improving yourself personally as well as cognitively. And of course, you never know where your new knowledge may lead you. For example, if you feel that you aren’t in pace with technology, you might create your own website or blog.

New things will offer you a greater life and a new purpose. Once you’re done with one objective, move on to the next.

Anything not on this list that has helped on your journey to living your authentic life? I’d love to hear them. Do share! 🙂

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