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October 23, 2022

#creativity #success #process

? This creative bite is brought to you again by my younger self. It’s not just because I will celebrate my birthday in the coming days and when my birthday is getting closer, I spend some time reflecting on the last year and its learnings, but also, and most importantly, I would like to acknowledge the creative process I went through up to this day.

? You see, in a world where we are bombarded by fixed ideas of how our lives should look, expectations that have nothing to do with us, requirements that will finally help us to be “happy” and “fulfilled,” and constant judgment of what we should and should not do, how we should and should not look like and how bad our decisions are -> I choose creativity and creative process.

? The creative process

“is the evolution of an idea into its final form through a progression of thoughts and actions.”

The integral part of this process of creating ideas, businesses, experiences, conversations, speeches, and life is, for me, also an understanding that I take full responsibility for all decisions I make and their outcomes.

? To summarize, that’s on me when I mess up on an epic scale. I will swallow the painful pill, learn from it and move on.

On the brighter side – If I succeed epically – that’s on me, too, together will all the shadowy consequences of success.

? Here, of course, it always depends on how we individually understand success. For me, success is when everything I think of, talk about, and do is aligned. And Im delighted to be successful.

? So, in today’s complex world, choose your kind of success and live it fully.

What does success mean to you?

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