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October 5, 2022

Reality Is My Mirror!?

Hearted by and 1 other reader

‘Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?’

Every person, at some time in life, looks in that mirror and sees exactly what they think they are. If they think they are beautiful – then they will act accordingly. If they think they are ugly – then they will think and act on that belief. Each theme and descriptor engenders thoughts, emotions and behaviours that reflect our thoughts and beliefs.

So why not extrapolate that to the world around us?

What if the world mirrors your internal state?

What if the angry man on the corner or the driver with road rage was simply an echo of yesterday’s angry outburst when someone spilled coffee on your newspaper?

What if the ache in your heart today is a reflection of your gross, uncaring attitude last week?

What if the train smash on the television is a warning that if we don’t sit still for a moment to gather our thoughts and calm our minds, our own individual ‘train smash’ is immenent?

Incessantly, reality speaks to us in its reflective voice, pointing to the path that should be avoided and directing us to the path we need to take.

But – do we listen?

We do not pay attention to the subtle murmurings reflected on the external screen of our lives. We ignore the noise and clamour and escape to a fabricated internal space of refuge.

We cover up the mirror to give ourselves breathing space.

Why don’t we observe and listen to what the mirror tells us?

Our place of escape is more comfortable. To listen to the reflections, we have to step outside it, sit up and take notice.It means that we must actively search for the hidden reason why the shop owner is rude and intractable or why your bag has tipped out its contents all over the floor. Every instance reflects back to us.

If we listened and paid attention, we would have to quieten the mirror, and then move within ourselves to where the mirror-maker chuckles. Our inner self would tell us exactly why the world wishes to eat us alive or drive us around the bend and force us to drink . . . whatever feels good.

Our world is tailor-made to suit us, to suit our self-image, what we expect from life, and how life should proceed with us. If life is a curse, then life will be cursed. If life is a blessing, then life will be blessed.

Reality can certainly be a mirror controlled by my attitude and expectations. Isn’t it delightful to think that it will be a greatday . . . and then it is?

YOU cannot escape YOU!

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