October 19, 2022

Sure, I’ve felt “In Love” before—But Never Like This.


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My heart beats fast. I feel warm all over. Sometimes, I can’t catch my breath. My mind races. I feel all mushy and lovey.

That’s how I feel when I see him, talk to him, or think about him. Weak in the knees. Swooning. Like in a movie. But this is happening in real life. It’s happening in my life. And I am here for all of it.

At 42, I feel more like 16. I didn’t think I would ever feel butterflies in my stomach again, yet, here I am. And I feel them every day. This man showed up in my life at a time when I was comfortable being alone. He came out of nowhere and knocked me flat on my ass. Ain’t that the way it goes?

So, how do I know it’s really real? I’ll tell you how. I know it’s real because this feels different. The way I feel about this man is different from any way I’ve ever felt before. I also know it’s the real deal because of the timing of meeting him.

After being divorced for more than two years, I finally healed, moved on, and got to a really good place in my life. A place where I was at peace and felt joy every single day. A place where I loved myself, finally. A place where I was comfortable in my own skin, and in my own company.

Sure, I’ve felt “in love” before—but never like this. This is better—so much better than before.

He is my perfect match in every single way. He excites me. We never run out of things to talk about. He challenges me intellectually and gets my brain thinking in different ways. He encourages me and supports me in all things. He is transparent with his feelings. He shows me his love in so many different ways. Most importantly, he is honest with me.

For the first time ever, I can see my future—our future. That’s a first for me. I had a hard time ever picturing “forever” with anyone else, including my ex-husband. I can’t tell you how amazing it feels to be planning and building a life with my best friend. It is everything I didn’t know I wanted. It is everything I didn’t think was possible. He is everything.

I know how this all sounds. Too good to be true, right? I get it, trust me, I do. I felt the same way. However, after meeting him, I know now that these things only happen at the exact right time—only at a time when you are absolutely, and completely, ready to receive such a beautiful gift.

In learning to love myself and live with an open heart, I have been blessed with the greatest love of my life.

Please don’t give up on it. I promise you, it’s out there.

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Melissa Patrick  |  Contribution: 49,245

author: Melissa Patrick

Image: muhammedsalah_/Instagram

Editor: Juliana Otis