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October 23, 2022

The Healing Power of Expressive Writing

The expression process creates a safe space to feel your emotions and connects you deeply to your inner truth. Your expression will grow on the pages and transform who you are. With an open mind and a courageous heart, the stories you tell will turn into wisdom. When you continuously reconnect with your truth on the pages, you will notice the wrinkling effect in your life. You will start to communicate clearly, express yourself authentically and reclaim the bravery to speak with honesty.

The healing cycle begins when you express how you feel and what is going on in your internal landscape and open your mind to new perspectives and insights. It allows you to express freely and bring your awareness to the present moment to become aware of how you feel and what your intention is. A clear intention symbolizes what you want to let go of, heal, change, receive or call into your life.

My writing practice helps me reconnect with my intuition, reclaim my faith and move forward with hope when I lose direction. The pages are a mirror reflecting how I genuinely feel. The pen is a magical wand helping me to travel through time. My notebooks are treasure boxes keeping my dearest memories, mystical experiences, glimpses of insight, vulnerable expressions, and inner wisdom safe.

Authentic expression reveals you are so much more than you think you are. Before speaking your truth out loud, you can write the words down. A notebook can become a well-trusted friend when you feel the need to express. It’s a safe space where you can freely share what is happening within you, no longer needing to control your hand scribbling the words. You can write down words that don’t make any sense, letters, and poems even when you choose to never share it with another Soul. Sometimes the raw expression is all you need to feel a sense of relief.

I’ve written many pages with tears rolling down my cheeks, expressing feelings I previously suppressed. I remember writing letters to loved ones I lost, expressing my grief, honoring them, and saying goodbye. I remember writing morning pages with gratitude for being alive because I know how easily life can be taken away, and I made a promise that I will cherish every single day.

The expression process is not about immediately finding a solution. It is about receiving a deeper understanding of yourself and your situation while witnessing the wants, needs, desires, and parts of self that will naturally arise. Creativity frees the mind filled with emotions and experiences kept silent and expands the self we know into the unknown territory of the unconscious. Writing is a precious gift allowing the human mind and heart to heal, and it helps you access deeper truths while revealing the mysteries of the mind.

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