November 14, 2022

5 Ways to Ground Ourselves in the Midst of Chaos.

Have you ever felt “blah”? Have you ever lost your “spark”?

Have you ever focused too much on one area in your life until it took over and blemished all the rest away with it?

Well, I have, and let me tell you something—It Freaking Sucks!

I know some of you might get me on this one. Sometimes we have to manage a major part of our life that absorbs all our energy, time, and, in a way, changes us and shifts us away from our goals and wants in life.

And the hardest thing is that if we do not learn how to cope and evolve that change could affect us deeply and maybe permanently.

Everything we go through leaves a mark in us, a scar, a change, that will metamorphose us on the go, day by day, life event by life event—into the person we are becoming.

It is only by accepting these defeats, unwanted or wanted changes (because let’s face it, change in all its forms is challenging and uncomfortable in its early stages), and scars, by embracing all the emotions that come with them, that we can evolve and regain what ignites our days and gives our lives a meaning.

Because seriously, what I learned since 2019 is that nothing is permanent except for constant change, and it is either “hop on and enjoy the ride” or “watch the world move on from the sidelines” for us.

So how am I facing all the changes that are shaping my present ever-changing self?

In an attempt to avoid losing myself in the midst of life that is a “carousel that never stops turning” (borrowed from “Grey’s Anatomy”), I am using these few approaches to keep myself happy and focused:

>> One thing at a time. We cannot juggle everything at the same time, and sometimes we need to set priorities that are temporary to shift our focus toward what matters for us the most at that specific time.

>> Keep the focus on the solution, the end game, and by that go full-on, eyes laser-beam sharp and strong. Instead of focusing on the problem or on what’s keeping us up, let’s make focusing on the result we want the only goal and the healthiest distraction away from the problem.

>> Take healthy breaks no matter how impossible it sounds. No matter how packed things are, healthy pauses will reorganize the chaos in our minds, help us rationalize everything, and push us toward being more productive and more focused.

>> Positive reinforcement strategies to push us to defy our limitations or fears. Get yourself that massage, that trip to Hawaii, that chocolate, that outfit…but only after you accomplish what you were working on. Small rewards and self-gratifications can go a long way.

>> Lastly, a super important one, don’t completely isolate even if it seems easier. Reach out for your support system, talk things out, go out, see your people. It is therapeutic and the most effective stress relief method to keep us sane, and it is a power booster to continue moving forward, sometimes while accepting losses and others succeeding.

No matter where you are in life, remember: we are in this mess together, you are doing the best you can, and everything ends, good or bad.

So, hang in there, try to make the best out of every situation you are put in, and never let anything prevent you from being who you want to be, no matter how challenging and hard that might seem.


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author: Jennifer Rizk

Image: Yuris Alhumaydy/Unsplash

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