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November 28, 2022

Connecting to Goddess in Your Spiritual Business.

The term Divine Feminine gets thrown around a lot in our circles, doesn’t it? What it is may vary, depending on your connection to it. For me, the Divine Feminine is Goddess energy. It’s the counter to the masculine Christian religion, though I know plenty of people who honor both.

That’s the wonderful thing about the Divine Feminine: it’s inclusive, not exclusive. All are welcome, regardless of gender or beliefs.

What is Goddess Energy?

For me, Goddess energy is my Higher Self. It’s the part of me that I benefit from tuning into, and the part that often knows what’s best for me, even if Ego is telling me something else.

Because there are hundreds of Goddesses throughout time and different cultures, you can tune into the exact Goddess energy you need for a particular situation, including to help you in your business.

Kali is a Goddess I turn to when I need to let go of something. Maybe it’s a client relationship that’s not serving me anymore or a belief that is limiting me from making more money. She helps me burn the dross.

Lakshmi is all about abundance! She wants us to have everything we desire, so She helps us manifest those dreams. When I need a bump up in revenue, I turn to Lakshmi.

Saraswati helps us connect to wisdom and intuition. When you need to open your mind or remove ignorance, you can call on Her. In my business, Saraswati can help me level-up by learning a new skill that will help my biz grow (right now, that’s Pinterest marketing).

Need to be more assertive at work? Athena’s your girl. She can help you find your voice, negotiate, and bring a little masculine energy, which is often needed in the workplace.

How to Work with Goddess

Goddess is waiting for you to connect with Her…but how?

Start by simply learning about the Goddesses you’re interested in. Each one has a specific lesson you can learn, so search for “Goddess of [what you want to connect with]” and see what you can dig up. Here are a few more Goddesses to get you started:

  • Aphrodite: Goddess of Love
  • Diana: Goddess of Fertility, Moon Wishes
  • Durga: Goddess of Destruction, Protection
  • Gaia: Goddess of Nature, Peace
  • Bast: Goddess of Domesticity, Nurturing
  • Persephone: Goddess of Resilience, Faith
  • Brigid: Goddess of Creativity

The list goes on and on.

You can honor the Goddess you work with by placing an image or statue of Her on your altar or somewhere in your office where you will see Her regularly. I have a few Goddess oracle decks, and I like to pull a card a day to see which Goddess energy I should be paying attention to before I start my workday. Light a candle and place a few flowers near the image.

You can also go on a visual meditation to connect and communicate with Her. There are guided meditations you can listen to for this journey inward, or you can simply imagine you’re in a special place where you meet Her. She will likely have a message for you, and you can ask Her a question you seek an answer to. I find that some Goddesses like to give gifts to remind us of their message. You can return to this meditation to speak with that Goddess any time. And They love helping us!

I also like to play a game: What Would [Goddess] Do? If I want to manifest a new client with a big monthly retainer, I invoke Lakshmi and try to go through my day as if I were Her. I dress in clothes that feel luxurious and beautiful. I strive to keep an abundance mindset. I might buy a small indulgence. This helps me channel the energy I’m looking to build from that Goddess.

Why We Need the Divine Feminine in Our Businesses

So many of us have stopped trusting our intuition, especially in business. We have reacted to the experiences and trials that we’ve experienced, and we’ve let them shape how we see the business world and act in it.

But we are powerful individuals. It’s just a matter of tapping into that power, which is the Divine Feminine. That power reminds us that we have the ability to manifest whatever we want in our businesses. That we do not have to accept being treated poorly by nasty clients. That we always, always have a choice.

Goddess is just one of many channels that can connect us to the Divine Feminine in business. You might also work with angels, animal guides, or light beings, among others. It doesn’t so much matter what channel you use to connect, but simply that you find a way to plug into the Divine Feminine so you are living authentically and getting the most out of your business.

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