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November 14, 2022

How death motivates me to live my best life

As a quintessential millennial navigating life in this era of instant access to social media, I have countless distractions that deviate my focus and make me procrastinate on tasks. It seems like my attention span gets shorter and shorter with every scroll and swipe. Procrastination is a very real problem for many of us. Finding ways to overcome and beat it is necessary if we want to complete or do anything in our lives, whether work-related or personal. Deadlines help me avoid procrastination by playing to my psychological need for urgency to get tasks completed.

In life, death is the ultimate deadline. One we can’t postpone. The inevitability and unpredictability of death reminds me of life’s finitude. Thereby, motivating me to operate with high levels of urgency, keeping in mind that any day could be the last. Every funeral, news and thought of death reminds me of this.

“The only guarantee in life is death, and the only guarantee in death is its shocking unpredictability.”

― Brian Herbert

Since death is the destiny of every one, I’ve decided to focus on my journey to that destination by living impactfully and purposely. For me, death is a motive for action and fuel for my passions. I refuse to tip toe through life just to arrive safely at death. To keep myself motivated by morbidity rather than terrified of it, I ask myself four questions:

  • Are you allowing the world experience you?
  • Are you living authentically?
  • How do you want to be remembered?
  • If you died right now, what would you regret?
My answers to these questions drive me to pursue my goals relentlessly, live mindfully, let go of unforgiveness, appreciate the people around me, utilize my gifts/talents, stop settling for second best, tick everything on my bucket list, love deeply, feel the ups and downs, touch many hearts, explore new places and focus on leaving a legacy behind without procrastinating – like one who has a deadline because I do and it just might be tomorrow.
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