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November 25, 2022

The Miracle Of You

Have you ever wondered to yourself, ” What’s My Purpose Here on Earth?”

What if I told you that you are fulfilling your purpose here on earth simply by breathing.

Just as a flower filters the air by existing…

Just as the animals fulfill their purpose by following what feels good to them…

We as humans, are no different.

We are not above nature, but one with it.

We too, get to simply exist and still fulfill our purpose here in this life.

By simply existing, your physical body radiates energy that heals the world.

By simply existing, you are a conduit for the universe to experience itself.

By simply existing, you are giving others the gift of a mirror that helps them see themselves so they too can grow and evolve.

By simply existing, you are answering the prayers of another…

Society tells you that you need to

Obtain a certain amount of material things,

Reach a certain level of external success

And even look a certain way to be worthy.

There is nothing wrong with desiring these things, abundance is your birthright and you

Deserve to be abundant- but these are not the things that have anything to do with our self-worth.They are simply part of the human experience.

When you strip away what is not authentically aligned for you, you step into your power and break paradigms.You shift into a version of yourself that is organic, natural and whole.

You don’t have to be scared to strip away all that has been conditioned upon you…

Because your worth comes from within and your purpose for being here is so much greater than you can ever imagine.

Your worth is determined by the simple fact that you are here as an extraordinary miracle.

You were created by the higher dimensions,

So universal energy could experience itself.

You are also the creator of all things,

So you are here to experience all that you have created.

You are the creator and the experiencer all at once…

You don’t need to evaluate your worth,based on external circumstances.

You don’t need to question why you are here, based on what others expect of you.

Give yourself permission here and now. To be filled with gratitude.

For the simple reason that the miracle of you simply exists..

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Nicole Giacalone  |  Contribution: 435