From the time when we were labelled as ‘hunters’ and ‘gatherers’, women have traditionally been the caregivers in society.
Most of us instinctively have that nurturing desire – we want to take care of those that we love. And at one time, when women mainly stayed home and men mainly went to work, that might have been okay.
But times have changed. Women now hold jobs (some because they want to but many because they have to). We have active families, with kids needing to get off to school in the morning and then rushed to dance class or soccer practise in the evening. And our parents are living longer with some requiring care as they age; a task that often falls to their daughters (or daughters-in-law).
Between work, family, cooking and cleaning, where is the time to take care of ourselves?? Often, it just isn’t there; or, when there is time, we feel guilty because it feels SELFISH!
A friend of mine told me about a recent airplane trip he was on, where the plane suddenly began a rapid decent and the oxygen masks were deployed. Scary stuff!!! And if you have ever been on a plane, you know that the safety instructions clearly state that if the oxygen mask drops, you are to put your own mask on BEFORE you try to help others (including your children).
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These instructions fly in the face of our natural instinct to help others first.
In my friend’s story, he tells of watching a family sitting in front of him on the plane, with two small children. As you can imagine, it wasn’t easy keeping oxygen masks on those squiggling little ones, but the parents managed because they had stopped to put their own masks on first!
The only way that they were able to care for their family was to make sure they had taken care of themselves!
Being SELFISH is the new SELFLESS.
Whether that means quiet time to relax in a bubble bath with a good book, changing our diet so that we eat better, getting out daily for a walk, or putting our oxygen mask on first, if we don’t take care of ourselves then we cannot properly take care of others.
I know from working with clients on changing the nutritional components of their diet that they have reported better sleep, more energy, happier moods – all elements that aid in providing better care, not only for themselves but for those that they love! When they have put THEIR health first, they become better caregivers for others.
If you want to know more about how I do that, click the link to my website and book a free discovery call with me.
In the meantime, put your own oxygen mask on first!
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