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December 13, 2022

4 Ways to Start the New Year Off on the Right Foot

Photo by Brett Jordan on Pexels.

The New Year is a time for new beginnings and setting goals. Unfortunately, many people need to set goals that they can’t maintain. The key to success is to start on the right foot by setting achievable goals.

1. Reset for 2023:

Learn how to activate and release your “Inner-G” to cultivate a mindset where anything and everything is possible. You’re capable of anything you set your mind to, whether professional or personal. Let go of the past and any negativity, and cultivate a mindset where anything and everything is possible! Entrepreneur and producer Fabiola Hesslein believe that anyone can push past their limits to pursue their dreams and passions.

2. Get Organized:

One of the best ways to start the new year on the right foot is to get organized. It’s essential to ensure you are using your time wisely and not wasting it. You should take stock of what you have done in the past year and compile a list of goals for the following year. This will give you a roadmap for success and help you stay focused on what matters most.

3. Make Your Goals Specific:

It is also essential to make your goals specific so that they can be accomplished easily, which is why it’s helpful to break them down into smaller, more manageable tasks. Boston-based psychotherapist and entrepreneur Angela Ficken says, “A goal needs to be specific, so you know what you want to achieve. For example, ‘I want to learn new skills’ needs to be more specific because there’s no mention of how much you want to lose or how long it will take. ‘I want to learn how to code in the next three months’ is more specific and measurable.”

4. Set Deadlines:

Setting deadlines for yourself will also help you stay on track because it forces you to prioritize your goals, making them more accessible and faster than if they were not set at all.

Setting goals and having the plan to attain them is essential. However, reflecting on your accomplishments and how they will achieve your goal is critical.

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