December 12, 2022

A Reminder for when we’re Stuck in our Darkness.

Do you ever hear something that just makes your heart open a little wider?

It may not be a new concept or even a genius idea but it makes so much sense for where you are in your life at this exact moment?

I have spent the past few years working to embrace all the feelings I once put in the “negative” box. The “this is too much” box. The “I can’t deal with this” box.

Working to embrace on the outside all the emotions that I had spent years stuffing down on the inside.

While this is possible, it’s not always (or ever, really) that easy.

And so, some days it helps to flip our perspective. To realize that our overwhelmingly human experience is also a profoundly spiritual—and beautiful—one.

When I’m stuck in the darkness and intensity of my own emotions, I will use these words from actress Lili Reinhart as a reminder:


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“If I started out as this celestial being, just energy, and the universe or God or whomever said, ‘Hey, do you want to go to Earth for an incredibly short amount of time, like a blip, and experience every emotion that you could possibly feel as a human? You get to have all these experiences: love, heartache, anxiety, joy, euphoria, whatever. All of it. Do you want to do that?’

Yeah, I do.

And so when I am feeling these intense feelings, it’s sorta like a reality check to step outside and say, although this is a very uncomfortable, painful feeling, it’s quite beautiful that I have the capacity to experience it. That is sort of something that I use to ground myself when I am stuck in a feeling of darkness.”


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author: Nicole Cameron

Image: Dids/Pexels