Did you feel that? Yes, ‘that.’ Did you feel it?
That was the quick brush fire of energy that just swept through after the 1212 portal on Monday which was also coming off of the Gemini Full Moon.
Is your head still spinning? Did you go down over the weekend & become a couch bunny? Are you still working to figure out what day it is right now?
Of course I ask all the questions because it’s exactly what has been happening with me as well; however, let’s remind ourselves that when we have these sudden urges of energy that they can be very useful to our movement forward!
I know for me personally that when the end of the year approaches that I get inspired to quickly figure out what the next year is going to bring which means I have to get planning so I can get ahead of all the energy that will open up in the next year.
As the energy is moving through from not only the full moon we just had in Gemini, but also from the 1212 portal then this is a great time to hop up on the surf board & ride this next wave of energy that is opening up opportunities that we may not even see coming yet.
With that said…
What is it in your life right now that you want to create?
For example, I have been working on my spiritual business for several years; however it is just now being presented that all of what I have been working towards over the last several years is now ready to be ‘launched’ on a bigger scale for the masses to see. Does that make sense?
We have been working on ‘something’ over the last several years that is bringing us to this point in time of our lives right now. This residual energy of the 1212 portal is basically sitting here and saying to us, “hey, what do you want to bring in next year that you have already been building a foundation too?”
I have been advising my clients to take a step back and look at some key areas of their life.
- Spiritual Practice
- Home/Family
- Career
- Social Relationships
- Community
- Health/Hobbies
These key areas of life are snapshots of where we have been spending a good amount of our time and energy to hopefully be moving towards a certain goal we have set in front of ourselves to achieve.
Take ONE of those key areas & get clear on what you have been doing to move that forward while you decide if you are going to continue for that key area to be the main focus for 2023 or is another key area in your life going to take a step forward.
Doing a simple brainstorm alignment with a key area is a game changer to ride the wave of the 1212 portal energies because it is one simple step to work with the unconscious mind to bring forward the right alignment and opportunity that you are now ready to have enter your life.
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