December 6, 2022

Jim Carrey pokes a hole in Hollywood…and misses the point, too.

“The actor created quite a buzz when he made an interviewer super uncomfortable on the red carpet, had some pretty profound things to say.”

For more, Jim Carrey explains Depression in the Best Way I’ve ever Heard.

He’s half right, basically. Maybe 75%. But, annoyed and annoying as the interviewer may be, she has a point, too.

From a Buddhist point of view…my response:

In Buddhism, things don’t matter, they aren’t solid…and, at the same time, they do matter, kindness matters. At the same time. That’s the Heart Sutra, that’s Mahayana, that’s ultimate realization. Icons who care? Yes, they make a difference. Hollywood toasting itself? Doesn’t matter. As she pointed out, to give her a little credit–awful things are happening in the world and some kind folks are working awfully hard to help. That matters. And I’m sure that night had very little to do with helping any of that.

Ultimate realization isn’t just: nothing matters. That’s nihilism, which is lazy, a cop-out, convenient for our egos. The truth is the middle path. Both, and.

Jim Carrey is right on when he says

“I believe we are a field of energy dancing for itself”

“I’m not here. There’s just things happening.”

“We don’t matter, that’s the good news!”

Emptiness is luminous. It isn’t solid, it isn’t real…and it’s brilliant, alive, and…yes, caring.

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