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January 1, 2023

I’m Ready To Say Yes To 2023 Are You?

Photo by Анастасия on Pexels.

This year I am ringing in the New Year solo with my cat, a box of tissues, cold medicine and tea. As I research relationships and sex for my next article I sit with resolve and some disappointments for the past year. I recall the many lessons in the heart department and life in general. I make up my mind to put aside the dating article research and write the article I was going to present as a talk ” live” on New Year’s Day to people around the globe. My talk is about saying Yes!

After cancelling in-person plans and social media events due to losing my voice earlier I get set up with my computer and say ” I am getting serious about 2023.  I ask myself what do I need?’ This is critical for my talk and this piece. Let’s be serious this is critical for the next year to be a new chapter in my life.

Two weeks ago unhappy with my job I spoke to my friend Mr. A who recommended meditation and a very specific meditation to get me past my blockage of feeling stuck. The meditation he recommended was by Bob Proctor and at first, I scoffed and giggled yet took the prescription. I meditated nightly with the goal to get a new full-time job ( the one that pays the bills). By the end of the week, I was offered that job and I was on cloud nine. I shared this with my friend Mr. A. and he said ” you changed your life in a week think what you can change in a year with meditation and small changes?’ This really hit me hard.  He also shared that he knew I had so much trauma and unhappiness, particularly the past few years that holding on to the familiar would be a defence mechanism and there was a whole lotta grief attached and he was right!

Ironically after this conversation and the news of my new job what followed was a flood of grief and I let it flow. I understood what was happening and what I was processing.

The flood continued for a second week and I asked myself some earnest questions and the meditation continued. I let the grief continue and I felt it all. I grieved the past seven years fully and completely making peace with my own heart. I accepted the failed attempts at relationships, work struggles and other life trials. I owned my part and let go. I took a brave look at what was still holding me back and my fears stared me straight in the eye. I spoke to my fear and here is my solemn resolve for letting go, getting on and saying yes this year.

After journalling and reflection, I acknowledged that  I have been living very cautiously and small. I do the ” risk assessment” in my head prior to taking even small steps forward. I hold onto the armour that has protected me and I cling to the past like a shield.

In my head, I say ” I have walked through hell and I will not go back” this doesn’t allows serve me. The remnants of past pain, loss and grief have kept me in a cognitive loop with trauma as a fortress. Now, one can not let go completely overnight. I have been working on this for some time and yet I hold fiercely to the fortress and as a result, have become a prisoner to that very fortress. I am ready to open the gate to my own personal freedom and a new job is just that start.

Today, I am ready to change my mantra to one that is open and willing to experience some bliss. My mantra is this ” even though I have walked through hell. I have come out the other side and I am ready for experiencing love.

Here are some additional Yes statements. I hope you can join in and share along.

In 2023 I will…

I will say yes to travel opportunities and make every effort to follow through with plans.

I will say yes to networking and creative pursuits.

I will say yes to self-care and daily exercise.

I will say yes to clearing the old and making space for the new.

I will explore and be open to adventures.

This year I am saying yes to fun and will practice staying in the now.

My mantra is Yes! Yes, to love and life and all the Joy that it holds.

Yes, there might be more disappointments, pain and sorrow this is life.

We can experience life by being open to all that life holds including the good, bad and the mediocre.

” Success is loving life and daring to live it” Maya Angelou

2023 is here

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