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December 20, 2022

small act, big impact.

Everyday I ask mySelf, “What can you do today to make the world a better place?” 

Sometimes the answer is- Nurture yourSelf, fill, ground, and let the love overflow. 

Sometimes it- Buy some bagels for all the construction workers down the street. 

Sometimes it- Call (fill in the blank) and remind them how grateful you are. 

Sometimes its- smile at a strangerSometimes its- Pray

Sometimes its- pay for someones gas, coffee, groceries

Sometimes its- offer a hug to the woman on the street

Sometimes its- hold your babies close and let them feel your love. 

And each moment, each day as I follow through in honor of mySelf, in heart-centered service I watch change take place. 

Sometimes it’s a subtle shift in my own energy. 

Sometimes its tears of gratitude from another

Sometimes it’s a look of relief on the face of a stranger. 

Sometimes it’s a “you have no idea how much I needed this”

Sometimes it’s nothing at all in that moment, but a seed planted for later. 

Sometimes its smiles and warm hugs. 

Sometimes it’s disbelief. 

It never looks the same, but a shift occurs none the less. And day by day, small act by small act, the world change. 

I know it often feels like to make a difference we must act in grandeur, especially this time of year, but I have found throughout my time here on earth that it’s often the small acts of grace, kindness and compassion that have the most lasting effect. 

What are some of your favorite ways to show up in service, kindness, and grace? 

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