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December 16, 2022

The best course of action is to choose life every day; avoid trying to escape!

“I went to the mountains to enjoy the breeze.”

It gives me life to watch that sunset from the beach.

My place of refuge is that village.

Many of the conversations were carried to us by nearby folks. Going somewhere to get away from something is a common tendency. But my question is: How far can you get away? Because you’ll always carry your being with you. What practical difference will your escape make, then? Any escape from anything is simply referred to as a vacation.

And while on vacation, they discovered what they refer to as tranquilly. Isn’t it supposed to be inside? How does one find tranquilly wherever they are? If so, do they actually feel cluttered on a typical day? And in the end, they can only be joyful while they are running away.

Life ought to be its own vacation, but most of the time people try to make it that way rather than actually experiencing it. Instead of trying to escape from one’s everyday life, one can surely concentrate on living it to the fullest. Feel the difference between holidays and vacations, which should be a normal part of daily life.

How can a single vacation improve your mood? What happens after it’s over? Will you cry over it? Oh! I’ve also heard of vacation stress. Seriously, I’m laughing out loud at this! In such a situation, one can be content wherever they are. Otherwise, everyday life can be chaotic and stressful, neither of which anyone can afford.

One should concentrate on leading a routine life as though they don’t require a holiday from… Regular life is like being married; you want it, but you also want to leave it for a while. You adore being single and want to get married at the same time.

Instead of living on the edge, try to create a life from which you never need to escape…

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