The food we eat affects tremendously our life experiences and ultimately our soul awareness.
As souls, so as pure consciousness, we embody regularly on different planets in a never-ending succession of lives in order to go through life experiences, and as result to increase our awareness. In life, as a soul, we use the body as an energy-based instrument to seek all sorts of experiences.
Now, being energy, our bodies like any other entity made of energy, emit energy frequencies and receive frequencies coming from around us. We emit what we are actually, and by the automatic mechanisms in the universe, we are sent back life scenarios corresponding to what we emit. The lower the frequencies we emit the lower life scenarios we get back, more dualist, more violent in any form or shape.
Therefore, we better emit high frequencies around so we get back high-vibration life scenarios.
What influences our body vibe
The main factor of how you experience other people’s energy, and thus life itself, has to do with your own body’s frequency/vibration.
The good news concerning the body’s vibrations is that they can be altered in any sense. Even if for a period you felt you resonated more with lower vibration things, people, and events and thus frequencies, you don’t have to remain stuck there. It is under your control to change things, and you can do this by making a few changes to your lifestyle if you choose to.
Here are a few key steps that you can take to increase your body’s vibrational frequency:
- Meditate– Adopt a meditation practice that resonates with you. This is one of the quickest ways to elevate your energy.
- Diet – Incorporate food items that have a higher vibrational frequency and eliminate all low vibrational frequency food items.
- Exercise– Adopt an exercise routine that is harmonious, like stretching for instance, swimming, or classical dance. Also, focus on exercises that absorb higher energetic vibrations from nature and Earth. For instance, tai chi, yoga, pranayama, qigong etc.
- Connect with Nature – Large bodies of water like seas and oceans and mountains as well generally have a higher frequency. Even if you don’t have access to either, a simple walk in the park would also help. I would suggest spending time in nature at both sunrise and sunset times, if possible.
- Positive Thoughts – Keep watching the news to a minimum, they generally just spread negativity; that’s what the general public consumes and asks for. Think good thoughts, read good books, listen to higher-vibration music, and associate only with positive people. Stay away from all forms of gossip or fault-finding.
- Practice Love and good deeds – Live from your heart and practice love and compassion for everyone. Practice empathy and send blessings to everyone who crosses your path throughout the day. This will improve your own vibe, but also positively impact the lives of many others.
Diet and the vibration of a healthy body
The human body is not just an assemblage of chemical parts but is a total, complete, holistic system operating in harmony with the energy system of the universe. We exchange energy with the rest of the universe all the time. This energy can be evaluated. The healthier you are on all levels and not only physical the higher your frequency will be.
Starting with ourselves and everything around us is nothing but energy vibrating at different frequencies. The law of thermodynamics in physics says that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, it can only be transferred or transformed. By this law, we are constantly experiencing the absorption, transformation, transmutation and depletion of energy within the vibrational field of our own bodies.
Basically, we really are energy-powered animals. Science thinks about food in terms of vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients. However, when you start thinking in this way you are ignoring the synergistic effects of those components, the overall chemistry of the food, and the energy coming from Earth beneath our feet, and sun above our heads.
When eating, that food energy is transferred to our body and cells via a poorly understood process known as biological transmutation.
If you eat nutrient-poor, unbalanced, processed food, your energetic vibration will be drastically reduced.
You will feel tired, maybe even worn out and discouraged. The people you interact with will feel your low energetic frequency (even if they don’t know what that is). You will struggle to attract the things in your life that you desire and, over time, a heavy energy density will grow around you.
But, if you choose a balanced, nutrient-dense, fresh, raw, vibrant foods, it’s like a supercharge for your energetic frequency. You feel alive, awake, in tune with the universe, and people around you will notice your glow. You find that you easily and effortlessly attract the things you most desire and the low energy around you start to dissipate.
The point is that the frequency of food can be used to unleash your self-healing capacity and boost your energy levels naturally.
Concerning spirituality, the chance to have a kundalini awakening, and moreover to have a harmonious rising of it into your Sushumna channel, increases many more times than in a lower vibration body.
What is the food vibration chart?
The food vibration chart tells which foods affect our body vibration more and which affect us less. The food vibration chart you find below I concluded after checking the vibrations of many souls, the food they ate, the impact on their body vibrations, and checking also with other very high souls.
The Basic rule is: to eat food with the least complexity. Generally, as a rule of thumb, more evolved and complex organisms have a higher vibration than lower evolved ones. So, the vibration gap between your body who’s at about 3.5 vibrations on chakra scale, and the food you eat should be as wide as possible.
Food and substances affecting negatively the most a body vibe (decreasing order):
- Drugs, alcohol, hallucinogens (LSD, DMT, heroine, etc.)
- Red meat (mammals, e.g., beef, pork, sheep)
- White meat (e.g., chicken, poultry)
- Fish, seafood
- Root vegetables
- Vegetables
- Fruits
- Greens (e.g., salad)
Each category can be further split into subcategories. Since fruits and vegetables can be so different from country to country due to climate and soil conditions, I leave it to the reader to identify which specific fruits and vegetables correspond to the categories above in his country.
Another rule of thumb concerning food vibration: Always prefer to eat food produced in the country, where you live. There is a specific chemistry involving energy between food produced in the country you live in and your body vibe. The more “foreign” the food you ingest is, like you being born and living in US and eating food cultivated in say Japan or South Africa, the least efficient it will be for you, even if the food itself is of higher vibration.
By nature design, food items that are sourced directly from Nature and not altered or processed in any form have the highest frequency. Refrigeration also alters downwards the frequency of food. In an ideal world, we will all have our own fruit and vegetable gardens from where we can pluck our food every time we are getting started with a meal.
Try not to stock food in the longer term, and buy groceries several times a week from the farmer’s market if possible. The key here is to buy only as much as you really need at a time.
So, even if you don’t believe in all the factors that I listed above as influencing your body vibration like meditation and exercise, I advise you to at least try to enlighten your diet in the interest of your health and longevity.
This is all the more so if one practices spirituality and aims to progress.
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