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December 2, 2022

Why I Practice Zen Meditation

I’ve always been a pretty calm person. I tend to think about things before reacting, and I’m not easily upset by things that happen around me. But even still, there are times when life gets stressful and I feel like I could use a little more peace of mind.

I’m sure you know what I mean: life today moves so quickly and we’re constantly on the go. It’s hard to just sit still—even when you want to take a break, there are always more things that need doing. And yet when we do have time to relax, it can be difficult to find ways to make ourselves feel calm and inspired.

When I first heard about Zen meditation, I thought it sounded like a great way to calm down and clear my mind after a long day. But then I realized that sitting still could be pretty intimidating; how would I ever get anything done?

So one day my friend recommended that we try Zen meditation together. She said it would help us relax—and she was right!

When I gave it a try, something magical happened: instead of feeling anxious about how much time might pass before I could get back up again, my mind started wandering in strange new directions. My thoughts began flowing freely without any effort on my part—and instead of getting frustrated at all those things that were beyond my control, I forgot about them!

While we were meditating, we didn’t talk at all. We just sat quietly and focused on our breathing and the sounds around us. It was really peaceful. Afterward, we felt refreshed and energized—like we’d been given a chance to reboot our brains!

I have realized that Zen meditation is all about being calm and peaceful by focusing on your breath and clearing your mind of any thoughts or worries. It sounds so simple, but honestly, it has made such a huge difference in my life! When I practice Zen meditation every day, it helps me stay calm during stressful situations and gives me a better perspective on things when they don’t go according to plan.

My experience inspired me to do some research on Zen Meditation.I found out more facts and more reasons to follow this ancient practice everyday and wrote about it in this article.Please do read!

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