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January 12, 2023

Diet Season has begun…

I don’t remember a time when I didn’t enter January with the mindset of anything other than time to exercise, eat right and fix this train wreck of a body. I’m not kidding. I remember being little and going back to school, the belt of my uniform felt a little snug and I knew that my winter break of over indulgence had led to this feeling. It continued throughout middle school, high school, college and now my adulthood. I’m 43 years old. That means roughly 35 new years of my life have been devoted to the resolution of weight loss. And guess what, I’m not at goal. No where near it! Why? Because resolutions do not work. Diets, strict and severe like I have always tried to use DO. NOT. WORK. For me at least.

Let’s face it, there are several millions of people out there who I’m sure have success when they set a resolution. And thats fantastic, because those are the people who give people like me hope. I draw from their energetic motivation and enthusiasm. I mimic them. And this gives me a few successful weeks towards my resolution. but in time I will falter and fail myself. Which is why this year: 2023 I have decided to abandon the resolution entirely. Although maybe abandoning it, is a resolution in and of itself? Doesn’t matter. For me I’m spending the new year focusing on me. Not on how much i can lose by my birthday. Not leaving out entire food groups from my allowed list. Not suffering on celery (which i actually love) but focusing on how my body is feeling, and going day by day down that path to find myself. Find my healthiest self.

So 2023 will be met with no failure because i haven’t set myself up for it. Instead I’m greeting each day with a look back on the day before. How did my exercise feel? Was i well rested? Did I crave something like crazy? Did i give into it and enjoy it? Did I drink water? Did I drink too much coffee. A lot of questions run through my mind and I try to adjust my day according. I’m not sure how this will end. I’m excited though to have ditched the diet mindset and taken on something foreign to me, the art of taking care of myself to better my self.

And the biggest focus I will take with me through out the year is this: My body. My rules.

More on that to come :

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