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February 28, 2023

Become A Time Billionaire

How many minutes a day do you need to succeed? Ask yourself that question. Very few people know that we have 1,440 minutes a day. That is right. You have to think of these minutes as your wealth, that is your bank account. That is right, that is your number one saving that you should protect at all costs. That is 1440 minutes a day.

We spend about 450–500 minutes sleeping, that’s about 7–8 hours a day. And so we’re left with about 1000 minutes to build success. About 200 goes through eating, supermarkets and admin tasks.

So you’re left with 800 minutes a day to build your success to become what I call a time billionaire. That is right, time billionaire. The first thing time billionaires do is they use their time super effectively. They don’t go to meetings they don’t get paid for, they don’t go to meetings if they’re not contributing and they certainly don’t waste time on social media.

So I want you to start thinking about this 800 minutes as the way to project and execute your growth, your personal growth to become a super achiever. Forget about growing 10% a year, think about growing 10,000% a year. You got to start with this 800 minutes, making sure that every minute counts, making sure that you shut the noise out that you remove people from your life that are not bringing wealth, happening or positive impact. Start protecting these 800 minutes a day, and monitor how you treat your time saving account as your way to become a time billionaire.

Be tough at managing this time, and you’ll see it will convert to wealth. It will create higher impact and better social interactions. Shut the noise out and become a time billionaire join me at and I’ll explain how we do it together.

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