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February 17, 2023

When Does Healing End?

Photo by Thirdman on Pexels.

If you’ve been hurt from a relationship breakup or sudden traumatic event, ever wonder when the healing ends?  When do you feel good about yourself and normal again?


Healing Process

Healing seems to be a fluid process of stops and starts. Whether it’s emotional healing from a break up or the physical setbacks we all have in life. The old adage, “Two steps forward, one step back” seems to apply in most cases when you’re healing.

What I mean by that, is everyone is different emotionally and physically. The degree of pain is felt differently when two people experience a similar loss or crisis. For example, a broken heart or the death of a loved one affect me differently than a close friend depending on the circumstances. That’s what makes healing so complex and difficult to understand. Recovery takes on so many facets of our lives. It’s hard to wrap your head around a true timeline to “feel normal again.”

Personal Journey

Some people never feel normal, and that’s okay. You need to understand that a traumatic event changed you, and you’ll learn to live with it moving forward. Some people’s outlook on life and relationships change forever. Some fall into the “victim pattern” of feeling helpless and out of control.

While others take on challenges no matter how tough and are determined to succeed no matter what. Healing is such a personal journey that only you can understand it, many times alone. The circumstances of your pain, while temporary or permanent, stay with you in some form.

Positive Influences

Positive influences do help the healing process for many who experience a crisis or unexpected trauma. Stories of “miraculous healing” or opportunities coming out of nowhere, seem to dominate positive thinkers. Does it help, seeing the “silver lining” in events in your life?  Could it hurt?  Some say positive thinkers live longer, happier lives no matter what life throws them.

I believe things do happen for a reason, even if we don’t realize them at the time. Healing is a part of life. Learning to cope with the positive and negative events in your life teaches you resilience and helps you heal. Stay strong and positive.

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