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March 16, 2023

A Letter from your Anger

Why do you ignore me?  I’m right here, begging for your attention, but you keep pushing me away.  You deem me an inconvenience or label me “bad” and “unspiritual.”  What you don’t realize is the more you deny me, the stronger I grow.

I will not be ignored for long.  The way you ignore me is the same way you ignore you.  I’m here to open your eyes.

When I arise, it’s because you are not being true to you.  All I want is for you to stop letting other people decide for you.  Stop giving your power away.  Stop devaluing yourself.  Stop doubting what you know and feel to be true.

Yes, I am angry when other people mistreat you – be it through a form of domination, manipulation, or control.  I hate they do not hear you when you speak.  I detest their disdain and how blatantly they disrespect you.

My roots go deeper than that, though.  I’m really here because you are not claiming your own boundaries.  Your own choice.  Your own voice.

All of your attention is on how the other person feels.  What they need.  You want to make them comfortable.  You fear upsetting them.  I get it.  Those rejection wounds run deep.  It makes sense to try to avoid the grief of separation from the one you love.

The problem is every time you deny your own inner experience to please another, you separate from you.  What I hate most is seeing how blind you are to yourself.  That’s when I really start to fester.

I know you are worthy of more than that.  How can they truly love you if you never show them who you really are?  They can’t; it’s all just a façade.  You want so desperately to be loved and accepted, but it’s not love if it’s contingent on you hiding your truth.

I’m trying my best to shake you out of these old habits and patterns.  Sure, there’s been several thousand years of conditioning that tell you who you are supposed to be and how you are supposed to act.  It’s hard not to comply with all the expectations and demands.  It doesn’t make it easier to swallow when you smile and say, “It’s okay, I’m fine” while I’m boiling inside.

I arise when I’m ready to hold someone accountable for how they hurt you, but you keep letting them get away with it.  Why are you so blind to your own experience?  Why do you feel powerless to voice your truth?  Why can’t you hear me when I scream, “No!”?

Perhaps you feel powerless to make a change.  You don’t realize you have a choice.  I’m not going to just go away because you’ve waved a magic wand and sprinkled fairy dust on me.  I will be reckoned with at some point.  The less you are willing to do it consciously, the more I will rule you from underneath.

See your Self!  Stop sacrificing yourself for other people.  It’s got to stop.  Can’t you tell I’m begging – salivating – for you to own who you are and choose for you?  To speak up on your own behalf?

Desperately, I want you to know:  You get to be your own person.  You get to have your own needs, feelings, and desires.  You get to place yourself equal to others, not underneath.

So, please, stop ignoring me.  See me so you see you.

With love,

Your Anger

About the Author:  A former lawyer turned mystic, Jessica Falcon is an International Guide who help you reclaim your sovereignty so you experience the ecstasy of true soul freedom.  You can learn about working with her 1:1 or in groups at

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