It has always fascinated me when I considered that I am just one in a continuous line of women.I tried to think about the lives of the women who came before me, and what the lives would be like for the women coming after me.
I live my life with their stories in my head. Their genes in my body. I pass the stories on along with my own.
I watched my Grandmother’s and my Mum leave this earth after living hard lives.
I watched my three daughters as they grew up and gave birth to daughters of their own.
One day I will leave this earth too, but for now I live my life. I collect moments that become stories and I share those stories.
Maybe in a 100 years time my great great… granddaughter will be my age considering life and her place in time.
This made me write a poem for International Women’s Day. I hope it makes you consider the lives of women around you.
A Woman in Time
Female ancestors stand behind me.
Their wisdom and knowledge within my body.
They survived patriarchal systems
To make a place for women in their world.
They stood strong.
These women in time,
These ancestors of mine.
The women ahead of me,
They came from me and
They too have given birth to little women.
Ancestral wisdom coursing their bodies
As they fight to make a place for the women in their world.
They will pass the wisdom along.
They stand strong.
These women in time
These daughters of mine.
So, as I stand here,
I look back
And I look forward.
So proud of them all.
These women in Time.
These women of mine.
By Angie Partridge aka Carna~Lily
Happy International Women’s day
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