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March 18, 2023

Perspectives – It’s All How You Look at Things!

I‘m not a Renaissance Man. I’m a Renaissance, Man.

As you can see in the oracle cards, there is still a LOT going on today behind the scenes; however some of the shadows have begun turning upside down, just since yesterday morning. I mean I’m sitting here NOT staring at the brick wall out the window like I have been doing (Monday’s Coffee Wisdom on Twitter) yet I am now delighting in seeing the snowflakes dancing in the sky in front of the brick wall from my peripheral view!

Is the brick wall still there? Yes.

Is there something between me & the brick wall now which in this present moment are delighting me? Yes.

It’s all how you look at it! 

And now the snowflakes have stopped…just like that. Life is ever changing around us in a moment; it’s flowing and shifting and encouraging us to do the same.

So instead of snowflakes, I’m focused on my laptop at this moment and delighted to be doing so on Friday morning because it means I’ve nearly made it through this seemingly challenging week.

I’m looking forward to new adventures unfolding this weekend where I’m to meet new people, care for new pets, and view historic places that I am surely to stumble upon in Chicagoland.
And just like that, perspectives can always be changed.

I recall an article asking the reader, “Did you really have a bad day? …or was five minutes of your day bad?” Because many of us tend to cling to the bad 5 minutes, when the entire rest of the day was just fine and dandy as day’s go, yet we are still chewing on that five minutes with gossip, despair, anger, resentment and such. We have some inherent dysfunction born within most of us to share our bad day and spread the wealth of angst.

If you want to be happy, be happy.

And alternately if you want to be mad, be mad!

Both are therapeutic and the next guy that tells me to just “be happy” when I feel like punching him in the face is invalidating my feelings which are valid in that moment. Point is to think!

Da Vinci is asking us to consider alternate perspectives this weekend.
A simple comma can totally change the meaning of things… but maybe the other guy forgot to put the comma in his sentence? Did you think of that? A simple variance in tonality of voice can influence our perspective too. Maybe they aren’t feeling well though?

Additionally, Da Vinci is asking us to dissect and decipher the human experience from the higher perspective of our truth (that we are a Soul). To do this would be in order to understand the variances in another’s perspective; where in the human element assumption often rules & creates misunderstanding.

The fact of the matter is that we all communicate differently.

Communication is far from just chatting over coffee. It is verbal, written, visual, physical and even energetic (mostly so actually)…there are all sorts of communication ques and perspectives and we as a society are missing the mark by heading straight to misunderstandings.

I can’t tell you how many times, in retrospect, I’ve been embarrassed at my preconceived notions about another person’s behaviors and/or lack of communication; when they were just communicating to me in a way I hadn’t experienced prior so I didn’t recognize their cues at all!
Both parties often think they are communicating adequately yet one forgot the comma & the other couldn’t even translate the language used by the other guy, whether Portuguese or Love.

So let’s discern, dissect, decipher human communication this weekend and begin with self inquiries of:

  • How can we be more clear?
  • How can we not assume?
  • How can we begin to open ourselves to alternate perspectives which may jar us out of our comfort zone and allow that alternate perspective to be true for THAT other person?
  • How can we put on our boots of being the change we wish to see in the world?

And if you’re devouring this content, you can find daily Coffee Wisdom, Cards, Perspectives and more over on Arabella’s Twitter as it rolls out live through her stream of consciousness.

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