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March 15, 2023

Research Studies With Reiki Healing Yield Positive Results, Proving Energy Healing Works

By Julie Ann Dawson, Reiki Master Teacher, CEO and Founder of Chakra To Ya

Thanks to advancement of technology in recent years and research studies by reputable educational institutions, (Columbia, Yale, UCLA, Duke for example), Reiki has been implemented as treatments in hospitals around the world, and more recently, the United States. Research studies have shown positive outcomes of Reiki, being able to measure pain, anxiety, stress, heart rate, blood pressure, outcomes of stroke rehabilitation, depression, and other chronic health conditions.

Researchers at Yale documented how emotional stress negatively affects the atomic nervous system (ANS) function, and therefore heart disease (ANS controls heart rate).  In a randomized controlled environment, researchers looked at a non-invasive, non-drug study for patients (separated into three groups of 12 each), recovering from a heart attack.  The first group rested without interruption, group two listened to meditative music, and group three received 20 minute Reiki treatments by Reiki trained registered nurses.  Results were measured in two ways: emotional state and heart rate variability (HRV), a physiologic measure that indicates if the patient’s body is recovering from the stress response. The patients rated themselves on both positive states (happy, relaxed, calm) and negative states (stressed, angry, sad, frustrated, worried, scared, anxious).  Reiki treatment improved all positive emotional states and reduced all negative states.  When comparing the three groups, the Reiki group had the most positive changes in emotional state, and the resting control had the least. Additionally, Reiki improved HRV.

Strong evidence that Reiki is responsible for a positive biological response in humans and animals. In a blind random study conducted by Columbia University on the effectiveness of Reiki treatments on the ANS, found that results within the Reiki group showed lowered levels of heart rate, respiration, and blood pressure.  Columbia was one of the first hospitals to offer Reiki as part of their Integrative Medicine Program (CIMP), made popular by the famed cardiovascular surgeon, Dr. Mehmet Oz. In his words, “Reiki has become a sought-after healing art among patients and mainstream medical professionals.”  He said he uses Reiki practitioners to treat patients during open-heart surgeries and heart transplant operations.

As of 2009, The Touchstone Process has evaluated 25 test studies that appeared in peer-review journals evaluating the credibility of Reiki treatments.  One of the most rigorously controlled studies, the team reported 83% showed moderate to strong evidence in support of Reiki as a viable therapeutic healing modality.


  • 1. Reiki Really Works, UCLA Groundbreaking Studies:
  • 2. Burg M., Matthew, Friedman, S.C., Rachel, Forrester, Lee, Lampert, Rachel, and Miles, Pamela, Journal of American College of Cardiology, ” Effects of Reiki on Autonomic Activity Early After Acute Coronary Syndrome,”, Sept. 2010. 
  • 3. Medical Research and other Papers:
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