The Tao Te Ching Chapter 10 offers a multitude of lessons for us to embrace this month. In few words, Lao Tzu opens our eyes to new ways of viewing our world, and to living with more grace and humility.
From Dr. Wayne Dyer’s Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life:
“Carrying body and soul
and embracing the one,
can you avoid separation?
Can you let your body become
as supple as a newborn child’s?
In the opening and shutting of heaven’s gate,
can you play the feminine part?
Can you love your people
and govern your domain
without self-importance?
Giving birth and nourishing;
having, yet not possessing;
working, yet not taking credit;
leading without controlling or dominating.
One who heeds this power
brings the Tao to this very earth.
This is the primal virtue.”
If you’ve been following along, you may notice that I focus on one verse from the Tao Te Ching each month. Coincidentally, I landed on chapter 10 this month, just as I’m kicking off a Women’s History Month celebration!
So, why does this matter?
Because the Tao Te Ching chapter 10 embraces the subtle yet profound power of the feminine spirit.
Lao Tzu encourages us to experience the subtlety and richness of a unifying, softer strength.
In chapter 10, he suggests that this is precisely the energy the Tao asks us to embody.
Let’s take a closer look at The Tao Te Ching Chapter 10:
Starting with the first verse:
Wayne Dyer’s interpretation references the duality of feminine energy.
This makes perfect sense when you consider the closest we get to “oneness in one embrace” is when we, as women, are expecting.
It represents a moment in time when we have one foot in both worlds.
One part of us is thinking and planning: going to doctor’s visits, organizing the nursery, and managing our daily responsibilities as we await the arrival of our newborn child.
Still, another part is directly surrendered to a higher power. We’re instantly connected to divine energy. And we allow nature to take its course.
Receptivity and vulnerability are palpable. But we’re also mighty at the same time!
Moving forward, we wonder, ‘Can we remain open and receptive even when confronted by life’s endless challenges?’
In the second verse, “Can you let your body become as supple as a newborn child’s?” Lao Tzu challenges us to allow this subtle, feminine, trusting energy to still run through us.
Lao Tzu alludes to the fact that we often become hardened by our endless, egoic thoughts. The wear and tear start to take form in our physical bodies.
How can we remain connected to this subtler, more feminine energy when life’s had its way with us? A mysterious virtue is needed to keep us connected to our inner vision of openness and receptivity.
We can choose to align. Over and over again.
Next, the Tao Te Ching Chapter 10 wants us to question, ‘Even when you have power, can you remain humble?’
This struck me!
Last week I had a reading with my friend, who also happens to be a psychic astrologist, and we discussed the importance of humility.
She further stated that humility is the embodiment of divine power. And it’s an indicator of true strength.
Being humble represents a higher level because you don’t have anything to prove. You know who you are.
The Tao Te Ching Chapter 10 urges us to focus less on ownership and materialism.
In Wayne Dyer’s book, he reminds us that everything we have will one day belong to someone else. Yet, we cling so desperately anyway.
We can align better with the Tao Te ching chapter 10 if we can loosen our grip. And we can enjoy everything we have without needing to have more.
Here, Lao Tzu presents a challenge!
We must access our greater intelligence, appreciate the transience of time, and use our full imagination of oneness and connection to really let go!
Another key point: Imagine working yet not seeking to take credit.
These words point back to intention and being motivated by an inner vision that seeks to guide and help where needed.
Embracing this idea means we decide to give from a higher place. Lao Tzu suggests that only then can we have a true understanding of the importance of our work.
Our intelligence reaches a higher level. And we can offer our effort and attention without seeking external validation.
Another side of the coin: The Tao Te Ching chapter 10 urges us to lead without controlling or dominating.
When we rule with control, we really need more faith. We aren’t allowing outcomes to come through in unexpected ways.
Fear has taken the lead.
A Course in Miracles states, ‘The presence of fear is a sure sign we are trusting in our own strength.’
We can allow a greater intelligence to lead. And we can lead by embodiment.
Chapter 10 of the Tao Te Ching encourages us to release judgment.
Wayne Dyer says,
“Rather than having judgmental thoughts about those you regard as separate or different, view others as an extension of yourself. This will diminish self-importance and unite you with what Lao-tzu calls ‘the primal virtue.’
If we’re able to see others as extensions of ourselves, we naturally treat them differently.
We recognize our oneness and practice the utmost degree of acceptance.
The Tao Te Ching chapter 10 encourages us to let go of our ego-dominated thoughts.
“Letting go of ego-dominated thoughts lets you sense the oneness that you share with others; thus, you allow yourself to feel a part of the all-embracing Tao.” – Wayne Dyer.
This notion requires a mysterious virtue. You know in your own mind that you are deeply connected to everyone and everything around you. And the feeling makes its way to your heart.
From this knowledge springs deep wisdom.
Wrapping it up:
In the Tao Te Ching chapter 10, Lao Tzu offers a chance to see the world differently.
Rather than controlling, forcing, and trying to crawl our way to the top, he encourages us to let our soul embrace another option.
Our purpose is to welcome greater wisdom into our intelligent minds. This wisdom opens the door to vision – as I believe he intended. And the vision is:
We are all one.
We’re always connected to powerful, feminine energy.
Humility comes naturally, as we have nothing to prove.
We can lead with soft power and achieve great results.
Embodiment is key – not force or control.
We can offer our light without regard to who notices.
Are you going to practice any of these this month? Let me know in the comments below!
And thank you for following along.
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