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March 15, 2023

What Is Reiki Healing And How It Can Change Your Life

By Julie Ann Dawson, Reiki Master Teacher, CEO and Founder of Chakra To Ya

Before we dive into what Reiki really IS, I’m going to lay down the groundwork first. And I don’t mean to get all ‘brainiac’ on you, but I must refer to Albert Einstein’s realizations of relativity. While he made a plethora of incredible discoveries over his lifetime, the study of how matter and energy are interchangeable is how I’d like to approach the topic of Reiki today. Because of him, modern science tells us that we as humans are not just physical structures made of molecules, blood, guts and everything in between, but rather that mass is nothing but a form of energy. The matter is simply slowed down or crystallized energy, and energy is what’s unified between all Life.

Since Einstein, scientists have further research to support Quantum Physics that not just our bodies are composed of energetic fields. For example, a machine called SQUID (the Superconducting Quantum Interference Device) is able to measure the magnetic fields around the human body without even touching it! Energy is found in nature, the Universe, it’s all around us, created from one source, and therefore, all things connected. Some may be familiar with this universal energy as Yoda would call it, “The Force,” others know it as “Chi,” “Prana,” or “Aura,” that surrounds the body. The practice of Reiki is one of many ways to balance your energy field. Before we move on I just want to be clear, Reiki is the energy, not the system of technique, and although Reiki can be considered a spiritual practice, it is not about having a belief in any religion or God. Working with Reiki energy can simply come from the desire to improve your life and others’ lives in all ways, and it can be used on people of all ages and medical conditions.

Let’s break this word down…the word Reiki, pronounced (ray-key) is derived from two Japanese words. “Rei,” which means “God’s Wisdom or Higher Power,” and “Ki,” which is “Universal Life Energy.” This spiritually guided life force energy is what a practitioner channels in order to heal oneself or others, which uses either a gentle hands-on approach or through distance healing. And while some may be apprehensive for distance healing, both are equally as effective….more on distance healing another time.

Reiki is a safe, relaxing, and effective one-way healing energy, that is one of the oldest healing systems in the world as a way to heal dis-ease and bring balance to the mind, body, and spirit, to restore and activate a person’s ability to naturally heal themselves. With that said, it’s possible life force energy healing can be done and not utilize Reiki. Think of Reiki as being on one radio channel, while other Universal Life Force energies exist on the other channels. For example, some energy healers may prefer to use Prana, QiGong, Quantum Healing, Light Language, or Crystal Healing.

Although there are approximately 25 different Reiki techniques, Mikao Usui, the founder of Usui Reiki, can be credited as the “original,” technique. No one style of Reiki is more effective than the other, and it’s a personal preference to decide which techniques work best for you. Dr. Mikao Usui, aka Usui Sensei, was born in Japan August 15, 1865, is credited to having “discovered” Reiki while meditating and fasting on Mt. Kurama in Japan for 21 days, with a blue light entering his third eye, and when put into practice what came through his channel that day on the mountain. From there on, he was able to perform miraculous healings, but this wasn’t something new to history. Preceding Usui’s time, some 2,000 years ago, many, not just Christians, consider Jesus to be the greatest healer. It is said that when Jesus baptized the apostles with the Holy Spirit (which is remarkably similar to a Reiki attunement), everyone could heal as he did.

As much as I’d like to say I was born with superpowers, a Reiki practitioner is simply the open channel, or “medium,” to deliver the healing energy. So no, the energy does NOT come from you. YOU are not the healer; leave the ego out of it! Remember, Reiki energy comes from the Universal Life Force. Anybody can become a Reiki healer, but you must first be attuned by a certified Reiki Master.

Receiving a Reiki attunement opens the chakras and clears the channel in which all the chakras are connected from the crown of the head to below the feet, (called the Sushumna), removing blockages in its path. Energy flows through the crown of the healer through the hands to the client, and rest assured negative energy being released does not flow to you. Just to be perfectly clear, Reiki comes from a Divine source and there is nothing negative that will come through the channel. Reiki works to clear away energies that no longer serve your highest good.

Reiki energy has an intelligence that clears the chakras, removes energy blockages, and is disbursed through the body, targeting areas where healing is needed the most. Studies show that receiving continuous sessions are effective for treating everything from the common cold to serious illnesses. However, the number of sessions required for healing depends on the client, and results vary from person to person with his/her efforts applied for self-improvement following a session. It is important to note that Reiki practitioners are not doctors, and therefore cannot diagnose any disease or prescribe medications to clients. Having a Reiki session is not in place of treatment from a doctor or medication.


1. Essential Reiki: A Complete Guide to an Ancient Healing Art by Diane Stein

2. The Original Reiki Handbook of Dr. Mikao Usui by Dr. Mikao Usui and Frank Arjava Petter

3.. The works of Frank Arjava Petter, Bronwen Stiene, and Frans Stiene (three Reiki practitioners dedicated to research and uncovering the system of Reiki as Miako Usui taught it in Japan).

4.. Reiki Really Works, UCLA Groundbreaking Studies:

5. Brennan, Barbara, “Hands of Light.” Bantam; Reissue edition, May 1, 1988.

6. Burg M., Matthew, Friedman, S.C., Rachel, Forrester, Lee, Lampert, Rachel, and Miles, Pamela, Journal of American College of Cardiology, ” Effects of Reiki on Autonomic Activity Early After Acute Coronary Syndrome,”, Sept. 2010.

7. Medical Research and other Papers:

*Energy & intuitive healing practitioners do not diagnose conditions, perform medical treatments, prescribe substances and medications, or interfere with the treatment of a licensed medical care professional. Energy healing is an effective treatment in addition to, NOT a substitute for, medical attention and medications provided by a licensed physician or licensed professional health care for any ailment. It is recommended that clients receiving Reiki treatments also see a licensed physician or other licensed health-care professional for any ailments.

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