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April 19, 2023

How to live a better life through Animal Communication

How to live a better life through Animal Communication

Do you take care of others? Do you want permission to do less? To be happier? Then continue reading.

Do you share a love for animals? Then you will want to read the message that Banjo got from her animals at the sanctuary.

Maybe you are not running an animal sanctuary, but you might see a lot of her in yourself, such as the deep love for animals, caring, taking responsibility, and putting oneself last.

Rings a bell?

Let me first introduce you to Banjo.

Banjo runs “Keep The Horses Alive”, a nonprofit animal sanctuary for medically retired horses and special needs animals in California. The cats on the ranch, for example, have Feline Herpesvirus that needs to be medically managed. The horses, while comfortable enough to be a horse, are not rideable; but all of the animals still have so much love to give.

When a bunch of miniature goats were born that needed some extra support to make it through their first night, the ranch was running her life. Perfect divine timing, as the next day was our first day of the Animal Energy Healing and Harmonization course for which she had signed up.

I love writing about the magic that happens when open-minded people connect with their animals on a spiritual level. Yes, there is the fluffy, cuddly, in-the-flesh version of our four-legged friends, but as most of you animal lovers know, or at least suspect, there is so much more to them.

There are so many people just like us that care deeply for animals and have a soft spot for those in need; often at our own expense. If you are reading this, you care as much as we do.

Banjo’s next step is to open the ranch up for people, young and old, to learn and spend time with the animals. Kids, big and small, will be able to connect with the animals, and through their love for them, they will also connect to more of their own soul’s essence.

Through their passion for animals, people can find their purpose in life. It will be a win-win-win for all involved.

When I channel messages from animals, I translate the energy I receive from them into English. While this message was channeled for Banjo, I get similar messages for other people.

But now, without further ado, here is the message from the animal collective at the ranch.

“We love you so much.

We wouldn’t know what to do without you.

All your love is very much appreciated here.

Don’t worry about your energy.

Your love overrides anything.

And we have a stable environment which we really appreciate.

Your healing is our healing.

The more care you can take of yourself, the more you will take care of us, there is no separation.

You need to balance yourself.

You need to balance what you put into us.

And what you put into yourself.

And what you put into everyone else you are trying to take care of.

We all have access to our own source.

Do not forget this!

It’s a mirror game we are playing.

It is for you to step into your power.

And so you will be happier, and then we will be happier.

It’s not that we are not happy, there is a level that we haven’t gained, that we can gain easily, by you taking more care of yourself.

We do not want to lose you to your sense of responsibility.

We are so much better off already.

So our love is giving back your love, which is a mirror reflection of what you are already giving to us.

And you really, really, really, need to take care of yourself.

You need to! You need to!

In the end, we are very simple.

And we are teaching you that you need to live simply, too.

Like a salad, you can eat it with your hand, touching your food more.

Like you see us, playing with our food, nibbling around, picking the best spots.

We aren’t just mowing down, we are grazing.

We decide what is better.

We are choosing.

So you need to choose too.

Don’t make the rules in your head.

Go to the fridge, look for what you want,

Go to the store, and look for what you want.

Pick what resonates with you.

Eat simply.

Eat back to the ground.


Root veggies.

Things that ground you to the Earth.

You are floating.

We need you to ground.

Ground! Ground! Ground!

Either sea salt to bathe in or a foot bath to ground, and let go of the toxins.

To let go of toxic emotions.

When you brush us, imagine you are brushing the energetic debris out of our aura.

This will not just help us.

This helps you because we are all one.”

I love the message. It gives us permission to take care of ourselves. It asks us to take care of ourselves when we take care of others, whether it is people or animals.

We need to find the balance– the happier we are, the better the animals feel.

If you feel called to, you can donate or even volunteer to help Keep the Horses Alive. Banjo and the animals would love to hear from you.

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