I caught up on the latest news at this site. Read about the scandal that came from
a video of the Dalai Lama and a young boy. I can’t believe this whole blown up situation. Prejudicial media coverage? A story that has got media splash all over it?
Have people forgotten the child-like innocence and gentleness of the monk we know as the Dalai Lama? Do folks see how frail he has become? With age comes
changes. We would all be fortunate to age into a gentle, loving, playful self.
He has brought dialogue between science, and philosophy.
He has had talks with the Pope and Desmund Tutu and countless other leaders on behalf of all sentient beings and the current climate change. He has worked tirelessly over the past 5 decades at least.
He has seen his country taken over by the Red Army, monks and nuns slaughtered and killed, temples desicrated, relics burned and utter destruction and dis-enfrancisement of a country and people in our current times.
Yet, his practice has kept him equinanomous and focused on the his bodhisattva intention. He is kind, not bitter, happy not angry, inspiring not reclusive. Every day.
I don’t see much of that blown up by the media.
How dare people question his intent! Perhaps the little boy started the game. Current media and agenda pushers are ready to push the negative all too soon. Attack with media spin. That’s the way institutions, political and religious, bring down the other guy.
Ok. I’m done. I definitely need to sit a lot more so such things don’t get my emotions up.
I’m sure my guru will just smile and keep on doing the good work he does every day. He is aging and we may not have him very much longer. We mush cherish him.
No. Sorry, I cherish him. You must ask your own heart what it feels and follow it.
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